Actually…I DID email you all. Last response I got back was on March 18th
“I think the issue is because you have your site running on a sub domain, i.e. instead of I will speak to the developers to see if this is something that is an issue with the theme or plugin and get back to you.”
It is March 30th. I have heard nothing. I kept looking in Themeforrest and for theme and plugin updates and have updated all as of YESTERDAY and still, creating a campaign from the front end doesn’t work. I even created a new install under a non-subdomain (since as of March 18th you thought it might be the subdomain which was the issue) and same thing. You can create from back end but not front end.
I wasn’t trying to be mean when I rated it 1, but that’s what the rating system is for. I do like the theme, and the plugin has promise but for me, I paid for the theme and the Paypal Plugin and I have not gotten it to work and it’s so far a waste of money.