• Hi,

    I am looking for a plugin which may support the following framework:

    –> There’s one or more to-do-lists with n taks, defined by an administrator.
    –> There’s a group of users who should complete the tasks.
    –> The tasks are not attributed to the users by the administrator, but users choose by themselves, which task they would like to assume.
    –> Once a task is chosen by a user, the task should be “reserved”, and other users should see that a) the taks has already been chosen and b) who has chosen the task.
    –> It should be possible to attribute a duration to every task.
    –> It should be possible (for the administrator) to download a list (csv- or txt-file) which shows the users, the tasks they’ve completed and the respective time corresponding to the tasks completed.

    Could anybody – maybe an experienced user or the plugin author – tell me if these framework could be implemented with the present plugin?

    Thank You

    Best Regards



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