• I was having trouble with project clients not being able to see their projects. The message “It seems that you’re not participating in any project right now.” kept displaying even when the user WAS a client user on projects.

    I changed two things and now it works. And I’m not sure if both things need to be changed to make it work. (It was only after I did #2 that it worked.)

    #1) I noticed that when after creating a project with client users, the client users are stored in the postmeta table in WordPress with meta_key “_upstream_project_client_users”. In the code for the Upstream plugin, it references “_upstream_client_users”, even though I think it’s supposed to reference the former. So I changed all instances of “_upstream_client_users” in the plugin code to “_upstream_project_client_users”.

    #2) In up-permissions-functions.php, there’s the following 3 lines of code:

    if ( in_array($user->ID, $meta, true ) ) {
    $user_can_access_project = true;

    Even if $user->ID is one of project’s client users, the above returns FALSE. On my server, however, if you change $user->ID to strval($user->ID) it works properly.

    That’s it! I hope it helps someone.

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