• Been using your plugin since I think v1.1 (you had about 50 downloads at the time). Great to see a useful plugin with responsive support and open to feature requests. Not enough people say thanks for good FREE support. So thanks.

    Anyway, installing the plugin on another site and I was left scratching my head for an hour trying to figure out why on Lighthouse I couldn’t get past 73/100 when I thought all settings were pretty much identical to my other sites running the plugin.

    The problem was the Application Icon and the Splash Screen Icon were loading the http versions not the https versions.

    I made the mistake of activating the plugin BEFORE converting the site to run under https ??

    Easy to fix, add an s to the image URLs.

    Since Progressive Web Apps only work in https might make sense to force those images to be https even when a user makes the mistake of adding a http URL?

    While I’ve got your attention, any chance of minifying the superpwa-sw.js and register-sw.js files for improved page speed? I’m on a page speed pilgrimage for SEO reasons and the superpwa-sw.js is particularly annoying as it isn’t minified by default by the W3 Total Cache plugin.

    Thanks again for a great plugin.

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  • Hello David,

    Thanks so much for the wonderful support and the kind words! So glad you were in on the journey from very early days of Super Progressive Web Apps.

    Forcing https, we had some cases like this in recent weeks, so its already in the pipeline for version 1.6.

    Regarding Minification, since manifest and service worker are not part of WordPress, caching plugins will not be able to minify it (unless they have a feature to minify files not related to WordPress).

    I will take that in as a feature request and add it to our TODO.

    Thanks again for all the kindness you shared and the great feedback. Looking forward to our journey together for all of the foreseeable future.

    [ Signature deleted ]

    • This reply was modified 6 years, 10 months ago by Jan Dembowski.

    Hey David,

    Just wanted to give you an update. Hope you are well.

    I just released version 1.6 and all URLs will be HTTPS from now on.

    You can read more about the release if you like here: https://superpwa.com/1-6-released-multisite-network-support/

    Regarding the minification of service worker, I have added it to our roadmap, and will be added in the near future.

    Since forcing HTTPS will clear all issues and since minification is a feature request, I am closing this thread.

    Do not hesitate to write back with your feedback please.

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