Hi mickyjeff,
a progress bar is something I’ve wanted to add in for a long time – the problem is deciding on the best way to implement it.
Like, do I attach the progress bar per question? So if there are 10 questions, then the progress bar has 10 segments? What if a user doesn’t answer a question? So then do I only use a progress bar if pagination is being used? How would this affect the randomized question order or the timer feater? As you can see, it gets complicated very fast.
So what I’ll say about a progress bar is that I’d love to add one in, but there are no plans to include any time soon.
radio/switch buttons on the answers list to checkbox: The problem with this is that it would confuse users. Radio = only one can be selected at a time. Checkbox = you can make multiple selections. Since HD Quiz questions only have one answer, making the answers checkboxes would cause confusion to quiz takers.
a question first before the question featured image: You can add the following code to your theme’s functions.php
function hdq_mickyjeff_featured_image_order()
const hdq_fi = document.getElementsByClassName("hdq_question_featured_image");
for(let i = 0; i < hdq_fi.length; i++){
let hdq_fi_item = hdq_fi[i].nextSibling;
let data = hdq_fi_item.cloneNode(true);
hdq_fi[i].insertAdjacentElement("beforebegin", data);
add_action("hdq_after", "hdq_mickyjeff_featured_image_order");
This will place the question title above the featured image.
Start quiz button without the timer: For this, I recommend just setting the timer to something huge, like 9999. You can then hide the timer by adding the following CSS to your site. .hdq_timer {visibility: hidden !important;}