• thisusernameisnolongeravailable


    Is there a programmatic way to add HTML to a post (or create a new post) and have the HTML left as is? (no converting new lines into <br> or <p>, no wrapping <img> in <figure>, etc.)

    I have been trying with wp_insert_post but no matter what I try extra cruft gets added in. even inserting directly into the DB has not helped (nor would this be a good final solution). As soon as I open it up in the wordpress editor, modifications can be seen.

    I’ve tried many things, but this is the base case of what I am trying to do while having wordpress leave my html as is.

    function createPage($title, $src)
        echo "Creating $title";
        $content = file_get_contents(__DIR__ . '/vanilla/' . $src); // just loading the html from another file. html is safe/clean
        $content = updateMediaUrls($content); // updating media (images etc) urls to proper path. quite irrelevant.
        $array = array(
            'post_tile' => $title,
            'post_content' => $content,
            'post_status' => 'publish',
            'post_type' => 'page',
            'post_author' => 1,
            'comment_status' => 'closed',
        $page = wp_insert_post($array);
        return $page;
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  • Moderator bcworkz


    As you’ve observed, saving works well enough. It’s viewing it in the editor or on the front end where things get altered. When either of those things happen, content gets filtered through “the_content” and possibly other filters, depending on the situation.

    It is in theory possible to remove offending filter callbacks like wpautop and wptexturize, but doing so tends to have a negative impact on existing content that requires these to present properly.

    If you require adding unadulterated HTML, it’s best accomplished by keeping it all in a custom field where the problematic filters are not applied. The custom field could be output where desired by way of a shortcode, which is processed after the problematic filters are applied, thus avoiding any undesired changes.

    Instead of a custom field, it is possible to contain shortcode content between shortcode tags. For example: [my-shortcode]my raw HTML I don’t want processed[/my-shortcode]
    I’m not so sure the WP filters will ignore such content. You could set up a test to verify, but IMO you’re better off keeping the content in a custom field.

    Hi, see here:


    If this is the issue you can turn this off for content and excerpt output with the folowing filter:

    remove_filter( 'the_content', 'wpautop' );
    remove_filter( 'the_excerpt', 'wpautop' );


    I did not see the answer above. Please take that as a more accurate answer, especially the points about affecting existing content using this method.

    Moderator bcworkz


    @pichichi — Thanks for helping to answer this topic! In case you were not aware, the forums here do have a tool to you help you avoid overlapping replies like what happened here. It will show you other members who are looking at the same topic as you are. It also notes when someone is actively typing a response.

    It’s not a perfect tool, but it does help. Some don’t like others to know what they are looking at and intentionally avoid enabling this tool. That is fine as well. No pressure, just FYI.

    It never even occured to me there would be a *x-is-typing -reply* behind that “Also Viewing” link. Thanks for the tip @bcworkz!

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