• Resolved jimdoneit



    i’m trying to use UM in conjunction with a forum on a site under construction.

    once logged, you see this “edit profile” link which calls profile.php. but when you do so you get a blank page.

    for what it’s worth i paste below the installation sequence mentioned in the settings.

    thanks in advance for any help.


    ### Begin Install Info ###

    ## Please include this information when posting support requests ##

    — Site Info —

    Site URL: https://cruis-citoyen.fr
    Home URL: https://cruis-citoyen.fr
    Multisite: No

    — Hosting Provider —

    Host: DBH: cruiscitgw2020.mysql.db:3306, SRV: cruis-citoyen.fr

    — User Browser —

    Platform: Apple
    Browser Name: Chrome
    Browser Version: 81.0.4044.138
    User Agent String: Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Ma
    c OS X 10_15_1) AppleWebKit/537.
    36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/81
    .0.4044.138 Safari/537.36

    —- Current User Details —

    Role: administrator

    — WordPress Configurations —

    Version: 5.3.3
    Language: fr_FR
    Permalink Structure: /journal/%year%/%monthnum%/%postname%/
    Active Theme: Semplicemente Pro 1.9.9
    Page On Front: Cruis citoyen en devenir… (#1098)
    Page For Posts: Journal (#1112)
    ABSPATH: /home/cruiscitgw/www/
    All Posts/Pages: 0
    WP Remote Post: wp_remote_post() works
    WP_DEBUG: Disabled
    WP Table Prefix: Length: 8, Status: Acceptable
    Memory Limit: 40MB

    — UM Configurations —

    Version: 2.1.5
    Upgraded From: 2.1.5
    Current URL Method:
    Cache User Profile: Yes
    Generate Slugs on Directories: Yes
    Force UTF-8 Encoding: No
    JS/CSS Compression: No
    Port Forwarding in URL: No
    Exclude CSS/JS on Home: No

    — UM Pages Configuration —

    User: https://cruis-citoyen.fr/user/
    Account: https://cruis-citoyen.fr/account/
    Members: https://cruis-citoyen.fr/members/
    Register: https://cruis-citoyen.fr/register/
    Login: https://cruis-citoyen.fr/login/
    Logout: https://cruis-citoyen.fr/logout/
    Password Reset: https://cruis-citoyen.fr/password-reset/

    — UM Users Configuration —

    Default New User Role: 0
    Profile Permalink Base: user_login
    User Display Name: full_name
    Force Name to Uppercase: No
    Redirect author to profile: Yes
    Enable Members Directory: Yes
    Use Gravatars: No
    Require a strong password: Off

    — UM Access Configuration —

    Panic Key:
    Global Site Access: Site accessible to Everyone
    Backend Login Screen for Guests: No
    Redirect to alternative login page:
    Backend Register Screen for Guests: No
    Redirect to alternative register page:
    Access Control widget for Admins only: No
    Enable the Reset Password Limit: Yes
    Reset Password Limit: 5Disable Reset Password Limit for Admins: No
    Blacklist Words: 9

    — UM Email Configurations —

    Mail appears from: Cruis citoyen
    Mail appears from address: [email protected]
    Use HTML for E-mails: Yes
    Account Welcome Email: Yes
    Account Activation Email: No
    Pending Review Email: No
    Account Approved Email: No
    Account Rejected Email: No
    Account Deactivated Email: Yes
    Account Deleted Email: Yes
    Password Reset Email: Yes
    Password Changed Email: Yes

    — UM Total Users —

    All Users(3)

    — UM Roles —

    Administrator (administrator)
    Editor (editor)
    Author (author)
    Contributor (contributor)
    Subscriber (subscriber)
    SEO Manager (wpseo_manager)
    SEO Editor (wpseo_editor)
    En cours (pending)

    — UM Custom Templates —


    — UM Email HTML Templates —


    — Web Server Configurations —

    PHP Version: 7.3.17
    MySQL Version: 5.6.46
    Web Server Info: Apache

    — PHP Configurations —

    PHP Memory Limit: 512M
    PHP Upload Max Size: 128M
    PHP Post Max Size: 130M
    PHP Upload Max Filesize: 128M
    PHP Time Limit: 300
    PHP Max Input Vars: 16000
    PHP Arg Separator: &
    PHP Allow URL File Open: Yes

    — Web Server Extensions/Modules —

    FSOCKOPEN: Your server supports fsockopen.
    cURL: Your server supports cURL.
    SOAP Client: Your server has the SOAP Client enabled.
    SUHOSIN: Your server does not have SUHOSIN installed.
    GD Library: PHP GD library is installed on your web server.
    Mail: PHP mail function exist on your web server.
    Exif: PHP Exif library is installed on your web server.

    — Session Configurations —

    Session: Disabled
    Session Name: PHPSESSID
    Cookie Path: /
    Save Path: /tmp
    Use Cookies: On
    Use Only Cookies: On

    — WordPress Active Plugins —

    Advanced noCaptcha & invisible Captcha: 5.6
    Akismet Anti-Spam: 4.1.4
    Asgaros Forum: 1.15.4
    Custom Sidebars: 3.2.3
    Custom Sidebars by ProteusThemes: 1.0.1
    Google XML Sitemaps: 4.1.0
    iThemes Security: 7.6.1
    Jetpack by WordPress.com: 8.3
    JSM’s Non-Breaking Space for French Content: 1.9.0
    Official StatCounter Plugin: 2.0.6
    Redirection: 4.7.1
    TinyMCE Advanced: 5.3.0
    Truncate Comments: 2.00
    Ultimate Member: 2.1.5
    Under Construction: 3.65
    WPForms Lite:
    WP Statistics: 12.6.12
    Yoast SEO: 13.3

    ### End Install Info ###

    The page I need help with: [log in to see the link]

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  • Plugin Contributor Champ Camba


    Hi @jimdoneit

    Could you please contact your hosting provide and see if they can provide us an error log related to this issue?

    Also, this may be because of a plugin/theme conflict. Can you do a conflict test and see if the issue goes away? This doc explains how to do a conflict test if you are not sure: How to do a plugin/theme conflict test?


    Plugin Contributor Champ Camba


    Hi @jimdoneit

    This thread has been inactive for a while so we’re going to go ahead and mark it Resolved.

    Please feel free to re-open this thread if any other questions come up and we’d be happy to help. ??


    Thread Starter jimdoneit


    sorry, i had been away.
    actually, the update of all extensions made the problem go away. instead of having a “edit profile” link, i now have a link on the name of the user, which correctly leads to his profile.

    Thread Starter jimdoneit


    hi again.
    i was wrong : when i get to “edit profile” i still get a blank page.
    i deactivated all plugins and switched to twenty-fifteen to no avail.
    it seems Asgaros forum which i like may be the culprit : it calls profile.php when trying to edit the profile. i’m using UM elsewhere and the editing scheme is javascript based, apparently.
    do you know of any incompatibility with this plug-in ?

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