• Resolved abirchler


    When product names include double quotes, the plugin breaks due to some inline javascript not escaping the quotes in the product names.

    The problem is here:
    file: bng_three_step_gateway_functions.php
    line: 299

            //loop through items, build array
            $items = $order->get_items();
            $x = 0;
            foreach ($items AS $item) {
                echo '      var item = [];';
                echo '      item["productid"] = "'.$item['product_id'].'";';
                echo '      item["name"] = "'.$item['name'].'";';
                echo '      item["line_total"] = "'.$item['line_total'].'";';
                echo '      item["qty"] = '.$item['qty'].';';
                echo '      item["line_subtotal"] = "'.$item['line_subtotal'].'";';
                echo '      data["item'.$x.'"] = item;';

    Rather than building the JavaScript object manually, I recommend building a php array and running it through json_encode().

Viewing 4 replies - 1 through 4 (of 4 total)
  • Thread Starter abirchler


    Here’s a patch that fixes the problem for me.

    Index: bng_three_step_gateway_functions.php
    --- bng_three_step_gateway_functions.php	(revision 1793325)
    +++ bng_three_step_gateway_functions.php	(working copy)
    @@ -210,7 +210,7 @@
             //check for ssl
             if (!empty($_SERVER['HTTPS']) && $_SERVER['HTTPS'] != 'off') $isssl = "Y";
             else $isssl = "N";
             //build js data array to pass into step one    
             echo '<script type="text/javascript">';
             echo '  function bng701_arrangeData() {';
    @@ -247,64 +247,71 @@
             echo '      var customervaultid = document.getElementById("customervaultid").value;';
             echo '      var last4 = document.getElementById("billingccnumber").value.slice(-4);';
             echo '      var expiry = document.getElementById("billingccexp").value;';
    -        echo '      var data = [];';
    +        $data = array(
    +          'thisid' => bng701_cleanTheData($this->id),
    +          'orderid' => bng701_cleanTheData($order_id,'integer'),
    +          'apikey' => bng701_cleanTheData($this->apikey,'string'),
    +          'transactiontype' => bng701_cleanTheData($this->transactiontype,'string'),
    +          'gatewayurl' => bng701_cleanTheData($this->gatewayURL,'url'),
    +          'user_email' => sanitize_email($user_email),
    +          'userid' => sanitize_text_field(get_current_user_id()),
    +          'ordertotal' => $order->order_total,
    +          'ordertax' => $order->order_tax,
    +          'ordershipping' => $order->order_shipping,
    +          'billingfirstname' => bng701_cleanTheData($order->billing_first_name,'string'),
    +          'billinglastname' => bng701_cleanTheData($order->billing_last_name,'string'),
    +          'billingaddress1' => bng701_cleanTheData($order->billing_address_1,'string'),
    +          'billingcity' => bng701_cleanTheData($order->billing_city,'string'),
    +          'billingstate' => bng701_cleanTheData($order->billing_state,'string'),
    +          'billingpostcode' => bng701_cleanTheData($order->billing_postcode,'string'),
    +          'billingcountry' => bng701_cleanTheData($order->billing_country,'string'),
    +          'billingemail' => sanitize_email($order->billing_email),
    +          'billingphone' => sanitize_text_field($order->billing_phone),
    +          'billingcompany' => bng701_cleanTheData($order->billing_company,'string'),
    +          'billingaddress2' => bng701_cleanTheData($order->billing_address_2,'string'),
    +          'shippingfirstname' => bng701_cleanTheData($order->shipping_first_name,'string'),
    +          'shippinglastname' => bng701_cleanTheData($order->shipping_last_name,'string'),
    +          'shippingaddress1' => bng701_cleanTheData($order->shipping_address_1,'string'),
    +          'shippingcity' => bng701_cleanTheData($order->shipping_city,'string'),
    +          'shippingstate' => bng701_cleanTheData($order->shipping_state,'string'),
    +          'shippingpostcode' => sanitize_text_field($order->shipping_postcode),
    +          'shippingcountry' => bng701_cleanTheData($order->shipping_country,'string'),
    +          'shippingphone' => sanitize_text_field($order->shipping_phone),
    +          'shippingcompany' => bng701_cleanTheData($order->shipping_company,'string'),
    +          'shippingaddress2' => bng701_cleanTheData($order->shipping_address_2,'string'),
    +          'security' =>  wp_create_nonce( 'checkout-nonce' )
    +        );
    +        //loop through items, build array
    +        $items = $order->get_items();
    +        foreach (array_values($items) AS $x => $item) {
    +          $data['item'.$x] = array(
    +            'productid' => $item['product_id'],
    +            'name' => $item['name'],
    +            'line_total' => $item['line_total'],
    +            'qty' => $item['qty'],
    +            'line_subtotal' => $item['line_subtotal']
    +          );
    +        }
    -        echo '      if (billingid != "") data["action"] = "bng701_stepOne";';
    -        echo '      else data["action"] = "bng701_stepOne_addBilling";';
    -        echo '      data["thisid"] = "'.bng701_cleanTheData($this->id).'";';
    -        echo '      data["orderid"] = "'.bng701_cleanTheData($order_id,'integer').'";';
    -        echo '      data["apikey"] = "'.bng701_cleanTheData($this->apikey,'string').'";';
    -        echo '      data["transactiontype"] = "'.bng701_cleanTheData($this->transactiontype,'string').'";';
    -        echo '      data["gatewayurl"] = "'.bng701_cleanTheData($this->gatewayURL,'url').'";';
    +        $data['itemcount'] = count($items);
    +        echo '      var data = ' . json_encode($data) . ';';
    +        // At this point, we've composed all data we can without JavaScript
    +        // Remaining data properties will use JavaScript variables
             echo '      data["savepaymentmethod"] = savepaymentmethod;';
             echo '      data["customervaultid"] = customervaultid;';
    -        echo '      data["user_email"] = "'.sanitize_email($user_email).'";';
    -        echo '      data["userid"] = "'.sanitize_text_field(get_current_user_id()).'";';
    -        echo '      data["billingid"] = billingid;';        
    -        echo '      data["ordertotal"] = "'.$order->order_total.'";';
    -        echo '      data["ordertax"] = "'.$order->order_tax.'";';
    -        echo '      data["ordershipping"] = "'.$order->order_shipping.'";';
    -        echo '      data["billingfirstname"] = "'.bng701_cleanTheData($order->billing_first_name,'string').'";';
    -        echo '      data["billinglastname"] = "'.bng701_cleanTheData($order->billing_last_name,'string').'";';
    -        echo '      data["billingaddress1"] = "'.bng701_cleanTheData($order->billing_address_1,'string').'";';
    -        echo '      data["billingcity"] = "'.bng701_cleanTheData($order->billing_city,'string').'";';
    -        echo '      data["billingstate"] = "'.bng701_cleanTheData($order->billing_state,'string').'";';
    -        echo '      data["billingpostcode"] = "'.bng701_cleanTheData($order->billing_postcode,'string').'";';
    -        echo '      data["billingcountry"] = "'.bng701_cleanTheData($order->billing_country,'string').'";';
    -        echo '      data["billingemail"] = "'.sanitize_email($order->billing_email).'";';
    -        echo '      data["billingphone"] = "'.sanitize_text_field($order->billing_phone).'";';
    -        echo '      data["billingcompany"] = "'.bng701_cleanTheData($order->billing_company,'string').'";';
    -        echo '      data["billingaddress2"] = "'.bng701_cleanTheData($order->billing_address_2,'string').'";';
    -        echo '      data["shippingfirstname"] = "'.bng701_cleanTheData($order->shipping_first_name,'string').'";';
    -        echo '      data["shippinglastname"] = "'.bng701_cleanTheData($order->shipping_last_name,'string').'";';
    -        echo '      data["shippingaddress1"] = "'.bng701_cleanTheData($order->shipping_address_1,'string').'";';
    -        echo '      data["shippingcity"] = "'.bng701_cleanTheData($order->shipping_city,'string').'";';
    -        echo '      data["shippingstate"] = "'.bng701_cleanTheData($order->shipping_state,'string').'";';
    -        echo '      data["shippingpostcode"] = "'.sanitize_text_field($order->shipping_postcode).'";';
    -        echo '      data["shippingcountry"] = "'.bng701_cleanTheData($order->shipping_country,'string').'";';
    -        echo '      data["shippingphone"] = "'.sanitize_text_field($order->shipping_phone).'";';
    -        echo '      data["shippingcompany"] = "'.bng701_cleanTheData($order->shipping_company,'string').'";';
    -        echo '      data["shippingaddress2"] = "'.bng701_cleanTheData($order->shipping_address_2,'string').'";';
    -        echo '      data["security"]= "'.wp_create_nonce( 'checkout-nonce' ).'";';
    +        echo '      data["billingid"] = billingid;';
             echo '      data["last4"] = last4;';
             echo '      data["expiry"] = expiry;';
    -        //loop through items, build array
    -        $items = $order->get_items();
    -        $x = 0;
    -        foreach ($items AS $item) {
    -            echo '      var item = [];';
    -            echo '      item["productid"] = "'.$item['product_id'].'";';
    -            echo '      item["name"] = "'.$item['name'].'";';
    -            echo '      item["line_total"] = "'.$item['line_total'].'";';
    -            echo '      item["qty"] = '.$item['qty'].';';
    -            echo '      item["line_subtotal"] = "'.$item['line_subtotal'].'";';
    -            echo '      data["item'.$x.'"] = item;';
    -            $x++;
    -        }
    +        echo '      if (billingid != "") data["action"] = "bng701_stepOne";';
    +        echo '      else data["action"] = "bng701_stepOne_addBilling";';
    -        echo '      data["itemcount"] = '.$x.';';
             //echo '  console.log(data);';
             echo '      return bng701_stepOne(data, "'.plugin_dir_url(__FILE__).'");';
    Plugin Author Design Team


    Thanks @abirchler!

    I am working on this today and will have a release by the end of the week. We appreciate your input and help tracking down this bug!

    BNG Team

    Plugin Author Design Team



    I just pushed a new version of the plugin which includes a fix for your report above, as well as the display error in the gateway transaction detail that you reported off-forum.

    Thanks again for your help!

    [ Signature deleted ]

    • This reply was modified 5 years, 6 months ago by Jan Dembowski.
    Thread Starter abirchler



    I updated to this version, and it worked. Also, the quotes are looking good in the gateway transaction detail.


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