• Hi, is it possible to show 2 columns of products instead of just one in the mobile version (i understand this will make the product view smaller). i have a lot of products and it’s quite diffcult to view one by one in mobile version.

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  • It is possible via media query

    but it will not look good,

    share your Website URL once

    Thread Starter betumayo



    Thread Starter betumayo


    i found this CSS code that once hannah gave to someone to do that but didt work for me.
    can anyone help?

    @media (max-width: 768px) {
    .tcol-md-3.tcol-sm-4.tcol-xs-6.tcol-ss-12.kad_product, .tcol-md-4.tcol-sm-4.tcol-xs-6.tcol-ss-12.kad_product {
    width: 50%;
    float: left;

    Hey, I just tested that CSS and it seems to work.

    Be sure you’re clearing your cache after adding it. Also, when you place it into chrome inspect, try resizing the window for it to take effect.

    Let me know when you’ve placed it into your custom CSS box so I can see how it’s displaying.


    Thread Starter betumayo


    hi i allready placed it in mu custom CSS box. but it doesn’t seem to work not in my mobile and not when resizing window from laptop.


    I found the issue. You’re missing some closing brackets in your CSS. Go in and fix this:

    @media (min-width: 1200px){
        .container {

    And replace with this:

    @media (min-width: 1200px){
        .container {

    That should fix your issue!


    Thread Starter betumayo


    you’re brilliant! that solved the problem. thank you!
    and thanks Hannah for the CSS

    you guys are so helpfull

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