• Resolved andreu



    We have some products with visibility hidden in our shop and we would like to hide them from Facebook too.
    We see this https://snipboard.io/b4tyPH.jpg here, so it seems that your plugin notice the setting but in our Facebook catalog the product is still there.
    We can click on the delete option, but I guess that if we ever re-sync the product, it will appear back on the catalog?

    Is there a way we can exclude products from the catalog?


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  • Plugin Support Daniyal Ahmed (a11n)


    Hi there,

    Thanks for reaching out.

    I understand you have set products hidden in WooCommerce but they are still appearing on Facebook. That’s definitely odd. Hidden products aren’t meant to be sent to Facebook.

    It will be great if you could share your current System Status Report. You can get it by navigating to the WooCommerce / Status section of your site. Once there, click on the Get system report button and then copy it by clicking on the Copy for support button. Then paste it here in a comment.

    Also, can you send me a screenshot of how you set products as hidden? You can also try to sync the product again and see if it helps.

    Looking forward to your response.


    Thread Starter andreu



    Thanks for the fast reply.
    Here’s our system report https://pastebin.com/2WdhdnxT

    We just re-synced the products and the problem persists in our catalog.
    We’re hiding the products like this: https://snipboard.io/HEP692.jpg and we can see this https://snipboard.io/hZsGwE.jpg in the facebook product sync metabox of the product.


    Plugin Support nathvi V. a11n


    Hello @andreu

    Thanks for sending those details over.

    Can you please check that the product has the option “Sync and hide” listed from the Facebook tab> Facebook options?

    Another option to not show these products is to set the stock to 0.

    If none of the above options work, there’s something else interfering with the display function in Facebook directly.

    Please try changing the above and then doing a manual sync. Start a sync, and wait for it to finish.

    Let us know how that goes.

    Thread Starter andreu



    I’ve seen that each variation have “Sync and show” https://snipboard.io/LGxdQz.jpg instead of hide. Is this value supposed to be updated automatically once we set the product visibility option to hidden? Or we should edit this setting manually product by product?

    We used Admin Columns Pro to set some products to visibility hidden in bulk. Might this be related to the issue? Is there a way to change this setting in bulk?


    Plugin Support B C. a11n


    Hi @andreu,

    Is this value supposed to be updated automatically once we set the product visibility option to hidden? Or we should edit this setting manually product by product?

    Since the Facebook for WooCommerce does not claim compatibility with the plugin you are using to set the product to hidden, I recommend setting the product manual to sync and hide.

    Keep us posted on how that goes!

    Thread Starter andreu



    We’ve tried to “hide and sync” all the variations but the products still appear in our Facebook catalog as you can see here https://i.gyazo.com/df865c8c4bc42d163833c7550a76dcee.mp4

    What else can we do?


    Plugin Support Saravanan S, a11n


    Hi @andreu,

    We’ve tried to “hide and sync” all the variations but the products still appear in our Facebook catalog as you can see here https://i.gyazo.com/df865c8c4bc42d163833c7550a76dcee.mp4

    Thanks for the video. Could you confirm if you are looking at products from the previous sync when they had sync and show option enabled?

    Did you remove them from Facebook and then try to do a full sync with products sync and hide option?

    Thread Starter andreu



    1. We have archived a product on Facebook that was already in “Sync and hide” in WooCommerce, we have synchronized Facebook and it was still archived.

    2. However, later we have archived a product on Facebook that was in “Sync and show”, then we have put it in “Sync and hide” only one of its variants, so the rest of the variants would have to be shown to us and sync Facebook, they were all archived.

    Therefore, we understand that what prevails is to archive on Facebook manually, since later if we synchronize and it is in Show it does not matter because everything is still archived.

    Is that correct?


    Hi @andreu

    1. We have archived a product on Facebook that was already in “Sync and hide” in WooCommerce, we have synchronized Facebook and it was still archived.

    2. However, later we have archived a product on Facebook that was in “Sync and show”, then we have put it in “Sync and hide” only one of its variants, so the rest of the variants would have to be shown to us and sync Facebook, they were all archived.

    Thanks for this information.

    Therefore, we understand that what prevails is to archive on Facebook manually, since later if we synchronize and it is in Show it does not matter because everything is still archived.

    Is that correct?

    Yes, that’s correct.

    Please let me know if you need further help.

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