• Hi!
    My thumbnails are to small. They get resized.

    They gets resized from 300×300 to 126×126 px

    Where do I change this? :/

    On my pages, I use [products ids=”383,375,371,368″] to display my products. How do I change to the given size?

    WooCommerce version

    Installed plugins

    Background Per Page by Fish Can’t Whistle version 0.3,
    Contact Form 7 by Takayuki Miyoshi version 3.3,
    DirtySuds – Category Thumbnail by Dirty Suds version 1.00.20110226,
    Dynamic Headers by Nicasio Design by Dan Cannon version 3.5.3,
    Hide Title by Randall Runnels version 1.0.3,
    Jetpack by WordPress.com by Automattic version 1.7,
    Really Simple CAPTCHA by Takayuki Miyoshi version 1.5,
    Regenerate Thumbnails by Viper007Bond version 2.2.3,
    Wiziapp by Wiziapp Solutions Ltd. version 1.2.2b,
    WooCommerce by WooThemes version,
    WP-Cycle by Nathan Rice version 0.1.13

    BR Mattias


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