Hi Coptic7,
Those arrows are just text, the only way to change them would be directly in the code. To change arrows in carousel you will have to search this string: upcp-tabbed-button-left and upcp-tabbed-button-right in ultimate-product-catalogue/functions/Shortcodes.php and replace < and > with Html code or html entity of your choice.
The function for the Left and right button is to show images on the left side or on the right side. That’s why when left button is clicked, images slides towards right to show image on left slide same this goes to right button. If you still want to change direction of the slide you can do change jquery function for that in js/upcp-jqury-functions.js.
For the images sliding under the arrow, that’s because your theme doesn’t seem to have any kind of normalize or reset for the padding and margin that webkit (i.e. Chrome and Safari) apply to ul elements. You can either find out why that is and fix it or try and counter it with some custom CSS for example:
ul.upcp-scroll-list {
-webkit-margin-before: 0;
-webkit-padding-start: 0;
Thank you