Home / Plugin: Shop Page WP / product image source
3 years, 12 months ago
hi does the image need to be uploaded to wordpress or can it be inserted from the affiliated merchant link? I just tried to install it and it generated errors, had to uninstall it. thanks,
Hi @talis1, please let us know what errors you saw after installing.
For now the image needs to be uploaded to WordPress. We’re currently working on a way to use images from the affiliate link.
3 years, 11 months ago
i get this message: what does that mean?
Sorry, thought we fixed that already. I’ll push an update soon.
You should only see that if you have debug mode enabled.
ok thanks. does the image need to be uploaded to wordpress or can it be inserted from the affiliated merchant link?
For now you need to upload the image.
There will be a way in the near future to insert it from an Amazon link but that will be part of a pro version.
Great! thanks for your help.
There is a new version of the plugin available now (1.2.5).
You shouldn’t see any more notices.
Let us know if you need any more assistance.