Product description CONSTRAINT_VIOLATION stopping sync
Hi guys,
Great work with this plugin so far, the regular updates are very encouraging!
I recently had a client get in touch to say a product wasn’t syncing, from what I found in the logs it sounded like the description was too long:
With data: { "developerMessage": "The request entity has constraint violations", "errorType": "CONSTRAINT_VIOLATION", "violations":[{ "propertyName": "description", "developerMessage": "size must be between 0 and 1024", "constraintType": "INVALID_SIZE", "expected": "0-1024", "value": "yada yada..."
I asked them to create the product again with no description – this synced as usual then they added the description afterwards. Their description had been a little over 1024 characters but this shouldn’t stop a product from syncing, especially as it’s unlikely the description would ever be used in store! I’m hoping you’ll be able to truncate the output before sending it to Zettle so products with long descriptions are handled automatically (leaving this public message in case anyone else has the same issue).
Thanks again for all your hard work ??
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