• mydog8it


    Does anyone know of a way to get the description entered when you set up an attribute term (term_description) that’s used as a variable to show up when someone selects that variable on the product page?

    Some variables have lengthy descriptions, and I’d like to show them near the price when different variables are selected, as well as on the checkout pages below the selected product variable name.

    I can’t find any reference to this in the woocommerce docs. Best I’ve been able to do is pull the first term description using the lines below, but I can’t get it to change to the selected one.

    <?php $my_taxonomy = 'pa_myterm';
    $terms = wp_get_post_terms( $post->ID, $my_taxonomy );
    echo term_description($terms[0]->term_id, $my_taxonomy); ?>


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  • mydog8it, I am interested in the same answer. What is the link to your site? My site is foryourcue.com

    mydog8it, John Hager, I don’t know if you are still looking for a solution but in case anyone else needs one here is mine:

    if ( taxonomy_exists( sanitize_title( $name ) ) ) {
                                        $terms = get_terms( sanitize_title($name), array('menu_order' => 'ASC') );
                                        foreach ( $terms as $term ) {
                                            if ( ! in_array( $term->slug, $options ) ) continue;
                                            echo '<input type="radio" value="' . strtolower($term->slug) . '" ' . checked( strtolower ($selected_value), strtolower ($term->slug), false ) . ' id="'. esc_attr( sanitize_title($name) ) .'" name="attribute_'. sanitize_title($name).'">' . apply_filters( 'woocommerce_variation_option_name', $term->name ).'<br />';
    										echo '<div class="plans-description">' . strtolower($term->description) . '</div><br />';//this is the line you need to add to show the description. I wrapped it in a div.
                                    } else {
                                        foreach ( $options as $option )
                                            echo '<input type="radio" value="' .strtolower($option) . '" ' . checked( strtolower ($selected_value), strtolower ($option), false ) . ' id="'. esc_attr( sanitize_title($name) ) .'" name="attribute_'. sanitize_title($name).'">' . apply_filters( 'woocommerce_variation_option_name', $option ) . '<br />';
    										echo '<div class="plans-description">' . strtolower($term->description) . '</div><br />';//this is the line you need to add to show the description. I wrapped it in a div.

    Have in mind I am using the “Woo Radio Buttons” plugin.So I don’t know how this handles with the default select, but it’s a start

    This only shows the description if it exists:

    $term_desc = strtolower($term->description);
    if ( '' !== $term_desc ){
    echo "<div class='plans-description'>$term_desc</div><br />";

    Thread Starter mydog8it


    Thanks rhristova. I’ll give it a try and let you know if it works without the plugin.

    hi, rhristova…
    where should I put your php code to make it work?

    I can not get it to work … can anyone tell me which php file and put this code in that line?

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