I need to add, that without attributes translation it looks like product imports from another version can’t work properly. At least when I tried to import a product, attributes and their values were imported quite randomly.
I think the most important question here is values of attributes, because the attribute material will be for example “leather” in English, but “Leder” in German and “skóra” in Polish – without connection between these names imports just can’t work properly (and these names are visible on the page, so I can’t just use English names for values, which maybe could solve the problem).
Of cause it would be super, if variants of products could be importable too – I think now it isn’t work (or maybe it is because of this problem with attributes). But this problem isn’t so critical, as attributes values import.
Actually this plugin looks very good and I hope it will develop in the future. I even would like to help with it, but unfortunately PHP isn’t my specialization and I’m afraid, that my JS can’t be useful for it. Very sad, that because of these moments this plugin is quite useless for Woocommerce at this moment. I really wish this will change, because plugin looks very attractive.