I took the liberty of writing a usage instruction if that helps…
Put all P5.js files in one folder. Name the folder for your project, eg. myProject. Include a .html file that includes a src link to the p5 libraries as well as src links to each of your .js files. eg. sketch.js, functions.js, etc (for ease of use, download the example file and include the index.html. Be sure to edit it to include all your .js files)
Zip the enclosing folder. ie. the zip file should contain a folder named for your project (myProject), a .html file (by default index.html), and all of your source files (sketch.js, functions.js, etc)
Click on the new menu item “Processing Projects” then upload your created zip file.
Your Processing Project can then be easily added anywhere throughout your site using the shortcode [pp-shortcode id=”0″].