Proceed to Checkout button removed/No Available payment…
When I select PayPal Express it removes the Proceed to Checkout button from the Cart page. Also on the Checkout page the message appears..
“Sorry, it seems that there are no available payment methods for your state. Please contact us if you require assistance or wish to make alternate arrangements.”How do I make that message go away and the button come back?
Hi krpenrod,
The way it’s supposed to work is that if you have nothing but PayPal Express Checkout enabled, then the checkout page wouldn’t be necessary at all. The “Proceed to Checkout” button should turn in to a PayPal Express Checkout button or a custom graphic depending on how you have those settings configured. Then when you click that button it would go straight to PayPal instead of to the site’s checkout page.
Are you saying that you’re not seeing this behavior? The checkout page displaying that message makes sense because without any other gateways enabled there’s nothing to display there.
If your cart page has no button at all, though, that would be odd. Please verify what exactly is going on and I can help you more.
If you want to submit a ticket here and include your WP login credentials I can jump in there and take a quick look to see if you’ve missed anything in the settings.
I haven’t heard back on this so I’m going to go ahead and close this ticket. If you have more questions, though, let me know.
Thanks. Actually I’m somewhat confused because the plugin settings have two check boxes:
Show Express Checkout button on shopping cart page.
Show Express Checkout button on checkout page
One would expect that if the former is unchecked and the later is checked that one should see the Proceed to Checkout on the Cart page since there is no PayPal button there and there would be no way of getting to the Checkout page except by menu manipulation. Also, there is no detection of any payment methods being available even thought the PayPal Express button is on the Checkout page.
Just a puzzlement
I realize it’s a little confusing. It’s a decision I made during the initial development of this thing based on all the different sites I’ve done over the years and the split testing that was done testing shopping cart checkout vs. an additional checkout page checkout.
If Express Checkout is the only payment gateway enabled in WooCommerce, it will do its best to completely eliminate the checkout page altogether. It’s really not needed since the the users will be checking out through PayPal’s pages. Having them fill out your checkout form is just wasted time for them, and often results in abandoned shopping carts.
So again, if EC is the ONLY payment gateway enabled, it will simply convert the “Proceed to Checkout” button into a button that sends the user straight to PayPal instead of the checkout page.
As it stands now, if you want the plugin to utilize your checkout page then you’ll need to enable at least one other payment gateway, whether it’s a credit card option, cash, or whatever.
I’ll probably try to provide more options around all of this in the future, or at least provide more detail and better documentation about it as I do understand your confusion. I hope my explanation makes sense, though.
Thanks for this comment as I too was wondering about the inability to reach the checkout page.
I still have proceed to check out and paypal express button on the cart and when customer proceed tp check out he get invalide payment method message
Some themes aren’t cooperating as nicely as others when it comes to the checkout buttons. We’re working on this and we’re hoping to get it resolved once and for all in our 1.1.6 update, but until then you can easily hide the theme’s “proceed to checkout” button so that only the plugin’s button will show up.
This is recommended to be done through a child theme, of course.
I have the same problem as krpenrod and your answers have helped me a lot. Thank you.
I was wondering if you could help me with two things.You say above that one can easily hide the themes “proceed to checkout”button… How do you go about doing that? And also my PayPal button seems to have no top margin, so it’s up against the button above it. Do you have any idea how I could remedy that?
Photo link belowDo you have a child theme setup for your theme? That would be the first step (not required, but HIGHLY recommended).
Within the child theme you can adjust the template file that is outputting the checkout button and simply comment it out to remove it. You can also adjust CSS in the child theme to add margins or any other style you need to customize things.
Thank you very much for your help, I was able to sort out the top margin and move the PayPal button down, which is amazing, but still can’t find a way to hide the Proceed to checkout one.
Take a look at this guide:
I’m having some problem with the install.
I have Stripe(credit card) plugin enabled. I want to use PayPal Express plugin and Stripe together. However, when both plugins are enabled, the normal checkout button is removed on the cart page and there’s no way to checkout.
As soon as I disable PP Express the button comes back.
Any ideas please?
The site is here uricide dot com
The Paypal plugin is presently disabled so as not to prevent orders from being made whilst this is fixed.
I think this is something we’ve addressed in our development branch on GitHub. Please download this plugin file, extract it, and upload the plugin files to the /paypal-for-woocommerce directory on your server overwriting the files that are there now.
Make sure to clear any cache plugins or anything like that on your WP site or server, and then see if the problem still happens.
If it continues to happen you can post a ticket here and provide temporarily login credentials to your site so I can take a closer look.
think this is something we’ve addressed in our development branch on GitHub. Please download this plugin file, extract it, and upload the plugin files to the /paypal-for-woocommerce directory on your server overwriting the files that are there now.Make sure to clear any cache plugins or anything like that on your WP site or server, and then see if the problem still happens.
If it continues to happen you can post a ticket here and provide temporarily login credentials to your site so I can take a closer look.
This worked great only one problem and i dont know if its my theme or yur pligin but when you go to product item the paypal icon shows but then vanashes as the add to basket button goes over the paypal icon
please take a look seems to have something to do with the variation options.
When the page first loads, I do see the PayPal button momentarily and it disappears like you mentioned, but that’s because the user has to choose a Size before they’ll be able to continue. As such, the plugin hides the PayPal button since it isn’t applicable yet. With most themes, you don’t actually see that happening. Not exactly sure why yours is showing that so clearly. I’d have to dig into your theme more directly for a better answer there, but for that you’d need to submit an order for premium support.
What you’ll notice is that if you choose a size, and then click the Add to Basket button, the PayPal button then shows up once that page refreshes. I know that sort of defeats the purpose, because now they’ve added the item to the cart instead of going straight to PayPal. Again, though, that seems to be something about the way this theme is handling the options.
Another little issue I’m seeing is that when I go to the cart and click the little X’s to remove items, it’s actually not removing them from display until I fresh the cart page. So this theme in general seems to have some strange issues going on with updating items on the pages.
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