Problems with wordpress
I’m experiencing a lot of issues since the PHP was updated and wordpress was updated to latest 6.1.1. Below are all of the issues I’ve been experiencing. I’ll post photo and other elements as requested. I have the Newspaper theme installed and while I’ve checked with them they said this isn’t their problem.
1. When I create a new post, I find that if I share the link on social media I will then see a complete error in how the website looks. It’s like I completely lose the theme and stuff looks completely out of place and some of it is unreadable. I have to clear the site cache and then go into w3 total cache and clear that before it will come back. This is ever time I create a new post.
2. I am experiencing issues with posts when I click save, the article saves but I’m still warned that the content isn’t saved if I try to go off of the page to something else. I have to save multiple times in order not to receive that warning.
3. When editing a post, if I have text that is a URL and I highlight it, if I highlight more text after that link, it will make all of the text part of the link.
4. When selecting a link, the box to open in a new tab, no follow, or sponsored; that dialog box is partially not shown. So I have to guess which box is which.
5. I don’t have an option to justify text. I had to install a plugin to get that functionality.
6. When I am searching for posts I don’t get all of the results. For example if I search for posts using the query “january” I’ll get 3/4 of the results while others won’t show up at all. I edit my posts that contain dates so when I’m searching I use the month so I can grab them all. However, when it doesn’t locate everything it makes my site look out of date.
Some of these issues have been present from the beginning installation and others have cropped up. How do I solve this? What do you need from me to get rolling?
A2 Fixed W3 Total Cache
A2 Optimized WP
Advanced Custom Fields
Askismet Anti-Spam
CookieYes | GDPR Cookie Consent
Custom Post Type UI
Duplicate Page
Easy Hide Login
EWWW Image Optimizer
FileBird Lite
Font Awesome
List category posts
Modal Window
Open Graphs and Twitter Card Tags
Radio Buttons for Taxonomies
Regenerate Thumbnails
Related Posts By Taxonomy
Show IDs
Simple Author Box
Simple Local Avatars
tagDiv Books custom post type sample
tagDiv Cloud Library
tagDiv Composer
tagDiv Mobile Theme
tagDiv Social Counter
tagDiv Standard Pack
Taxonomy filter
Taxonomy List
UpdraftPlus – Backup/Restore
W3 Total Cache
WPForms Lite
Yoast SEO`
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