• Laura


    I’ve just installed version 3.1 and blog is looking good generally except the visual editor is no longer functioning properly.

    There are no buttons at the top of the text box, the text is set to be white, so you can only see it when you highlight or switch to the HTML view. Also when you do switch from HTML back to visual, the html tags are still visible.

    Anyone resolved this?

    I have de-activated my plugins hoping that this would resolve – it did not. I have checked the active_plugin row within the db and that was zero so it had registered the deactivation correctly.

    Any ideas out there please?

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  • byro



    I had exactly the same problem. Upgraded my WP install to 3.1 and the WYSIWYG editor buttons and text were disappeared.

    After checking all what I could I solved installing the FCKEditor plugin. It actually overrides the default editor and it is a bit more complete as well…

    Here there is the link to download it:


    It seems to work for me even though it says to be compatible up to the version 2.8.5.



    Ok, having other problems with code snippets and FCKEditor I reverted to wordpress version 3.0.2 while waiting for a solution.



    Thanks for the FCKEditor suggestion, this works for me too. Hardly a real solution, but it’ll hold the users over until I can implement a functional alternative in Drupal and deploy that instead.

    Bye WordPress. I would say it’s been fun, but honestly it really hasn’t…



    I was excited about the FCKEditor, dang it. As you see, I also reverted. When this happened in the first place, I searched the forums and came up with about six different threads, all addressing the same problem, but with different people suggesting different fixes on all of them. So I had to ride all the threads, hoping to find something that would work. I didn’t. Tried everything. Nothing helped on any of my sites or browsers. All I got was a humiliating and unkind slap in the face for posting in too many places. It’s not enough to send me to blogger. I like running my own show. But it’s discouraging. I hope this isn’t a multi-site thread, or I’ll get slapped again. I don’t know how to tell.

    I’m with Johansensen – this has not been fun in any way.

    I added

    define(‘CONCATENATE_SCRIPTS’, false );

    before the mySQL setting in wp-config.php and it worked…..
    * @package WordPress
    define(‘CONCATENATE_SCRIPTS’, false );

    // ** MySQL settings – You can get this info from your web host ** //
    /** The name of the database for WordPress */
    define(‘DB_NAME’, ‘xxx_xxx’);


    Reading through all suggestions again. I really appreciated zoonini; very kind and patient with frustrated people who are really trying. I wonder if Laura ever solved it. I didn’t.

    This appeared when we upgraded to 3.1 as well – garychild1953’s fix worked for me:
    define(‘CONCATENATE_SCRIPTS’, false );

    (I don’t know if this is a core issue or a conflict with a common plugin, as we can’t try it with all plugins disabled…)

    Ok. I figured it out(at least for me). Like many of you I wasn’t seeing the Visual Editor option. I actually wasn’t seeing either the “Visual” or “HTML” options in the add new post textarea.

    I went into my profile by going to: Users -> Your Profile

    There is where I noticed a new option which says: “Visual Editor” – with a checkbox that says “Disable the visual editor when writing”. Mine was unchecked. So I thought all was ok. But what I had to do is:

    1) Check “Disable the visual editor when writing”
    2) Click “Update Profile” – this saves the setting and your visual editor is disabled.
    3) Uncheck “Disable the visual editor when writing”
    4) Click “Update Profile” – this saves the setting and your visual editor is enabled again.
    5) Voila – problem fixed. When I go to Posts -> Add new posts, the two options of “Visual” and “HTML” are back

    I was surprised that this worked, but hey after banging my head against this for a couple days I’ll take whatever works.

    Good luck all!


    I so wanted this fix to work but sadly it did not for me.

    Interestingly as two of the original posters mentioned on this thread I am also on 123-reg (based in the UK) and the issue for me only seems to lie with them on my WordPress installation with this server.

    I have upgraded to 3.1 without any issues on two other sites where my hosting package has been with Bluehost.

    Their help desk says it is a WordPress bug and were not prepared to be of much more help.

    I have tried all the fixes suggested above on a completely empty site (no plugins, content and using twenty ten theme) and still no joy.

    The FCKEditor plugin has been the only thing that seems to work for me.

    Although it seems an excellent alternative it really bugs me that a universal solution hasn’t been found.

    Gary’s solution seems to have worked for me as well. I’m super grateful, because I didn’t want to spend Saturday with this!

    Short version of the solution for that worked for us: deactivated the ShrimpTest Plugin and all was fine.

    Long version: we were having the same problem as described by very first poster.

    1. Using WP 3.1 on XP computer (me) and on Windows7 (wife)
    2. In IE8 the Visual Editor worked fine.
    3. Firefox and Chrome the Visual Editor showed no buttons and text was white.

    PHP was already 5.2 and changed to 5.3 (per user controls at host site). Nothing. Also tried a php change to the .htacces file that someone mentioned, but that hosed a bunch of stuff so I undid that. Reinstalled WP. Nothing worked.

    Finally did the tedious drill of checking the plugins (wife has 30 of them). Per Murphy’s Law, the last plugin I reactivated broke FFx and Chrome, but at least I found the cause.

    Good luck,

    @esmi Disabling plugins and adding back in one by one fixed the visual editor issue…I found the culprit. Thanks for your help…I thought there for a bit I was going to pull my hair out…{smiling now}!!


    I had exactly the same problem. Upgraded my WP install to 3.1 and the WYSIWYG editor buttons and text were disappeared.

    I deactivated all the plugins and I discovered some of them (not in the incompatible list) that cause this problem.

    One of them is Subscribe2 https://subscribe2.wordpress.com/ that is compatible with my version of wp but cause the WYSIWYG editor buttons to disappear.

    I tried several of the fixes suggested in this thread but none of them allow me to use the Subscribe2 plugin.

    Any help?

    I’m also with 123-reg and also have no visual editor. I also installed using their handy app thingy.

    Darn annoying. I hope this gets fixed ??

    Kind regards

    Dave Rich

    OK here is fix for 123-reg:


    You may also need to copy the containing folder, depending on the error messages in your browser inspector.

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