• Just wanted to explain the issues I am having with the latest version of this great plugin.

    1. I had to manually upload the plugin as it was missing a few files from the templates folder. Once I manually uploaded the plugin, the Line 422 error message disapeared.

    2. Sign up for the YouTube API was pretty simple. Just made sure I Enable the YouTube Data API and then added under the credentials area, Public API access and chose Server Key. I then copied the API key provided and paster that in the widgets area for the YouTube API Key. That fixed that.

    3. Now I’ve put in my channel id of UCTifhHi3SSt_om6C3IAay6w which the full link is working of https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCTifhHi3SSt_om6C3IAay6w
    Once I input this and check my front page https://www.techwiz.com.au I get an error without any number or code and the link simply points to https://www.youtube.com/channel/ . It’s like the link is not ammending the user id.

    So it’s still not working for me. I’m looking through the PHP for a solution, but haven’t found one yet. If anyone else has an idea, or the developer can shed some light on this, that would be great ??


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  • Another Problem i noticed with 2.0.2 is, as soon as there is a _ in the Playlist ID, the Playlist wont show anymore, no Problems with a playlist which contains no _

    And showing video’s within the player wont work either anymore. The magnific popup works, but if you have a Main player on top enabled and a few video’s below and you select those. They wont play into the player, but it goes to a new window on Youtube.

    Its good he fixed the API stuff, but alot stuff not working anymore.

    – User channel doesnt work
    – Play video’s in Player if enabled doesnt work (show player above thumbnails)
    – Shortcodes are changed.
    – Etc……

    Thanks for the reply, that actually helped out alot.


    Indeed. For the Playlist Thumbnails are working fine when i use the Plugin on Custom Pages. If i use it on my Mainpage in lets say for example the right sidebar, the thumbnail function and everything else you mentioned aint working.

    just updated to 2.02
    getting : Warning – Division by zero in …/templates/thumbs.php on line 6

    Any ideas?

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