• Hi there,
    I would really like to use the great WordPress 3 Invoice plugin so I tried to translate it into my language, German.
    There is allready language-support for this plugin but I cannot get it to work. I created a file called wp3i-de_DE.mo inside the plugins lang-directory, set the WP_LANG to de_DE, translate most of the strings but it doesn’ work… Any suggestions?

    Thanx in advance

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  • Thread Starter Ameisenman


    I solved the problem. There was a problem with the load_plugin_domain function. If anyone needs the solutions, here it comes:

    I changed the line load_plugin_textdomain(‘wp3i’, false, $this->path.’lang/’ );
    and it worked!

    I am a bit confused…
    I have edited load_plugin_textdomain line, i have file with my translation lv_LV.po …or i need to put apendix wp3i befor file name to get it work?

    Well… none of variants what i have tryed doesnt work for me.
    It could be realy great if you could give some advice.
    Best regards

    Thread Starter Ameisenman


    You need to rename your po file to wp3i-lv_LV.po. Than it should work

    Realy strange… but even with that its not working… ??
    bad that the plugin developer is not answering anything.
    Can you please give me your DE stranslating to try with my wpi3 to find out where is the problem?

    Remaded po file and all working!
    Thx for your advice!

    After enabling lv_LV i can create invoices, but when i whant to preview it shows that link is broken. When delete my language files all again is ok.

    Ir there some solution too?

    Thread Starter Ameisenman


    There are some problems with the plugin. If you use WordPress 3.0 or higher you must be aware, that wp3i will add the admin-bar to your invoices. When you send your invoice via mail, the plugin attaches the admin-bar to the html-mail body.
    Also, if you edit your invoice after saving or sending I always get an error with the totals and subtotals of the details. They summ up to NaN and result in 0.00. Another issue is, that the html-entity for Euros isn’t display in mails…

    After all this errors I decidede to start with my own plugin…

    Are you allready developing your plugin? Mabey i can help to you with developing somehow?

    I did it… made my own template… made to work with 3.1WP and latvian language… but … stupid bug – when i push a button to send invoice thru email, it gets me an default style not my template… wtf? :/ Is it known issue?

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