I watched your video and checked on some browsers. It is working on some browsers, but not on every browser. Here is a screenshot of the result https://prnt.sc/L_Z-3SQ1IECv
I can’t disable Litespeed plugin?since it’s the way my customer use to keep the performance of the web site… If they don’t use that, the time to load the pages is horrible.
The problem comes from the Lightspeed plugin. You can fix it by putting this “zip_code_based_product_price_location” in the “Do Not Cache Cookies” field item. Here is a screenshot of the guideline https://prnt.sc/qVLTOkE6r3mB.
I think 3 stars do not deserve this plugin. Don’t forget to update it.
I hope you are fine… I really appreciate your assistance. The information that you provided me, works fine however there is a situation when you open the website in a browser that is releated to a user VS when you open it in a browser in a guest mode..
Thank you for your clear information. I watched the video you sent. This is very strange behavior you see. But I tried some times on your site without any problem. Are you seeing this problem every time? Would you try more time, please? let me know If you still see the problem. Also, ask your friend to do like that to figure out that problem. I will try to my best for solve the problem.
HI @reponwp… Sorry for answer to late. Yes… We constantly update WP, Themes and Plugins. The site is using the laste version. Please let me know if you needo more information.
Is there any chance to modify the plugin with this behaivor?
Once the user enter to the site, and the ZIP code is not registered, show up the window with the fields in order to ask that info to the user
Right now, this site is for Mexican Customers… so my client ask if is possible to keep that country by default… in thar way, won’t be necessary to select the country
What do you think?
Plaease let me know.
As always.. Thanks for your great assistance and support.