• Hi. I installed both your Themes but the Featured Content Gallery doesn’t work in this Theme (it does work in your other Theme Intrepidity)?

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  • javy


    Same problem here…

    thank god I’m not the only one having issues…

    hope they get this worked out soon, I really like this theme and plugin



    Having another issue trying to use the Theme Editor, I get the error “The requested theme does not exist”.

    The theme is fantastic besides these two issues, hopefully we’ll hear something soon.

    I am having the same problem as you… hoping to hear something soon as well! I feel like the issue could be in the style.css file, since the “Theme Name: eDegree°” contains those odd characters… maybe it’s throwing something off? I don’t know much about WP though, just an idea.


    Yes, you’re right. Took the ° off of functions.php and style.css using an FTP editor, and I am now getting no errors on saving (you may have to re-activate the theme to get it working).

    Still nowhere with the Featured Content Gallery – anyone know anything?


    Didn’t even think to edit functions.php as well – editing both via FTP fixed that issue! THANKS!

    I too am waiting to hear something about the Featured Content Gallery…



    Hey everyone, Shingo (the creator of the theme) has set up a support forum here:


    Hopefully this makes it easier to troubleshoot the issue we are having with FCG.

    Hi everyone, this is the fix from Shingo:

    Using the WordPress’s theme editor or directly through FTP, uncomment the 2nd line on this file (edegree/js/functions.js) like this:


    I had the same problem, it was really a pain…
    I just installed the Dynamic content gallery and I have modified the header.php and replaced the line (<?php if(function_exists(‘gallery_styles’)) : //Slideshow plugin activated ?>) with (<?php dynamic_content_gallery(); ?>)also at the end section of the code block remove the second (<?php endif; ?>) and finally on the section “My Theme” I have checked not to use the slideshow area so it doesn’t appear on the other page and get rid of the featured content gallery which was giving me all that problem.

    Hope it helps.

    hi guys,
    I have the same problem.

    I have tried EVERYTHING you’ve mentioned but still, nothing works ??

    @vladp I get an error with what you suggested

    Fatal error: Call to undefined function dynamic_content_gallery() in C:\Program Files\EasyPHP-5.3.2\www\wordpress\wp-content\themes\edegree\header.php on line 68

    I managed to get the Dynamic content gallery to work decently, but ended up going different way.

    I am using the Post Thumbnail images instead, it is WP core stuff, so I like it better than plugins even though it takes a bit effort to get things done. Later with the posts it is quicker and easier to set photos as thumbnails than to use the custom fields.

    Mark Jaquith has a good post in his blog about the Post Thumbnails Images: https://markjaquith.wordpress.com/2009/12/23/new-in-wordpress-2-9-post-thumbnail-images/

    Thing is you can enable the thumbnails for posts and pages or just one. I have edited the theme to show the featured content header on everywhere. Then replaced the Featured Content Gallery code with the <?php the_post_thumbnail(); ?> code. The images have been set to 610px X 265px according to the theme featured photo size. Then I edited the Post Thumbnail Image related CSS to match the look of the Featured Content Gallery thing.

    What I have not been able to sort out yet is the carousel on the blog frontpage for the featured content, but I blame just my lack of PHP skills for that. You can of course use existing plugin and hack that to use the Post Thumbnail Images from the posts/pages.

    I just added “else if” for the blog frontpage to exclude the static post thumb and will put there the carousel when I get it sorted out. ??

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