Problems with some messages for translating
Hi, I’ve detected some messages than can’t translate inside the plugin. The problem in almost all of them is the same, they hasn’t text domain.
return array_merge($id_array, $columns, array( 'location' => __('Location'), 'date-time' => __('Date and Time'),
There are some strings without textdomain and others are only echoes with no possibility to translate.<h2><?php _e('Update Network'); ?></h2> $global_slug_tip = __('%s belonging to other sub-sites will have an extra slug preppended to it so that your main site can differentiate between its own %s and those belonging to other sites in your network.'); $global_link_tip2 = __('You <strong>must</strong> have assigned a %s page in your <a href="%s">main blog settings</a> for this to work.'); <p><?php _e('To update your network blogs with the latest Events Manager automatically, click the update button below.'); ?></p>
$format_override_tip = __("By using formats, you can control how your %s are displayed from within the Events Manager <a href='#formats' class='nav-tab-link' rel='#em-menu-formats'>Formating</a> tab above without having to edit your theme files.") __('%s custom post types can have archives, just like normal WordPress posts. If enabled, should you visit your base slug url %s and you will see an post-formatted archive of previous %s') (2 messages) __('Note that assigning a %s page above will override this archive if the URLs collide (which is the default settings, and is recommended). You can have both at the same time, but you must ensure that your page and %s slugs are different.') __('Note that assigning a %s page above will override this archive if the URLs collide (which is the default settings, and is recommended for maximum plugin compatability). You can have both at the same time, but you must ensure that your page and %s slugs are different.') <p><?php _e('These pages allow you to provide an event management interface outside the admin area on whatever page you want on your website. Bear in mind that this is overriden by BuddyPress if activated.'); ?></p> __('For use with the %s placeholder') (2 messages) __( 'The calendar headings uses abbreviated weekdays') <?php _e('Before you save your changes, you can quickly send yourself a test email by clicking this button.'); ?> <p><?php _e('We\'re always making improvements, adding features and fixing bugs between releases. We incrementally make these changes in between updates and make it available as a development version. You can download these manually, but we\'ve made it easy for you. <strong>Warning:</strong> Development versions are not always fully tested before release, use wisely!'); ?></p> __('If enabled, the latest dev version will always be checked instead of the latest stable version of the plugin.')
<a href="#" title="<?php _e('If your events have multiple tickets, enabling this will show a seperate row for each ticket within a booking.'); ?>">?</a>
__('For recurring events that end the following day, ensure you make your event last 1 or more days.') __('It will not be displayed on the website listings, to correct this you must <a href="%s">edit your location</a> directly.') $EM_Notices->add_error( __('There were some errors saving your location.'), true);
$this->errors[] = __ ( 'Missing fields: ' ) . implode ( ", ", $missing_fields ) . ". ";
$this->errors[] = __ ( 'Missing fields: ' ) . implode ( ", ", $missing_fields ) . ". ";
__('You are in Events Manager debug mode. To turn debug mode off, go to the <a href="%s">settings</a> page.')
<p><em><?php _e("If you see any attributes under here, that means they're not used in Events Manager formats. To add them, you need to add the custom attribute again to a formatting option in the settings page. To remove any of these depreciated attributes, give it a blank value and save.") ?></em></p>
_e('No Location')
<a href="#" onclick="return false;" title="<?php _e('If checked every booking must select one or the minimum number of this ticket.'); ?>">?</a>
_e('If checked every booking must select one or the minimum number of this ticket.')
You can find all of them in the localization template (events-manager.pot), indentified with “# @ default” label.
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