• Resolved elotse


    When using single images I’ve found the following:
    1. The Short code used in NextGen: [singlepic id = 155 w = 320 h = 240 float = left]
    2. The Short code after conversion: [singlepic id = “1932” nggid = “155” w = 320 h = 240 float = left]

    After converion, all images are displayed as thumbnails in gallery design. The code is:
    <div id = "gallery-1" class = "gallery galleryid-gallery-705 columns 3-gallery-size-thumbnail" style = "position: relative;">

    After changing the settings to the following Prametern: size = “medium” link = “file” columns = “1”
    I got the following code:
    <div id = "gallery-1" class = "gallery galleryid-gallery-705 columns gallery-1-size-medium" style = "position: relative;">

    Unfortunately, I find no way for the float function!
    float, used with NextGen is not converted
    Columns = 1 means the single image will be centered within a gallery container

    Float does not work, there is no class for the container becourse it is the same container as the gallery
    .gallery .gallery-item {...}


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  • Plugin Author Magenta Cuda


    Plugin Author B68C


    Sorry but I should have stated the following more explicitly in the documentation.

    After the conversion all the NextGEN Gallery shortcodes including [singlepic] are implemented using the WordPress [gallery] shortcode. The plugin dynamically translates the NextGEN Gallery shortcode to a standard WordPress gallery shortcode. This means the only shortcode options available are the options of the WordPress [gallery] shortcode. In particular, there will be some NextGEN Gallery options which will not have a WordPress gallery equivalent.

    However, there may be a some CSS style that you can use to solve your particular problem.

    On my particular configuration I am able to control the position of the image using the style: div.gallery{text-align:center;}. Interestingly, my singlepic images were already aligned to the left. I was able to force center alignment by using the above stated style. I surmise that the text-align in your configuration must be center – text-align is an inheritable property.

    In general, WordPress generates HTML elements with enough class names that you can achieve most things by applying the appropriate CSS style.

    Please let me know if I can be of further assistance.

    Thread Starter elotse


    I found a solution!
    All single pictures are css styled with gallery-columns-1. Based on this, I defined a new standard for all single pictures {float: left;}.
    This will be not be the ideal solution but better as to stay with NextGen.
    Additional I disabled the ” Show High Density Gallery View”.
    I would recommend to add this as option to the features!
    Also I disabled the caption for the gallery of thumbnails. I like this!

    This is my css code:

    .gallery-columns-1 { float: left; } /*will be the new standard for single pictures*/
    .gallery-size-medium { width: 320px; } /*size is oriented on picture size=280px*/
    .gallery-size-thumbnail dl dd { display: none; } /*disable captions*/
    .nggml-alt-gallery-controls { display: none; } /*disable Show High Density Gallery View*/

    All of this solved my problems, Thanks a lot for your quick answers

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