• Hello,

    I have a problem to get “Forms: 3rd Party Integration” communicating with Silverpop. If I submit the form there’s just empty data in the Silverpop database. I checked the mapped names but everything should be fine on this end. I also can’t find the error in the debug report, but to be honest I’m no expert on this.

    Thank you for the help!

    *** Service ***
        [name] => Silverpop
        [url] => https://news.brodos.de/empfehlungsformular/optin 
        [forms] => Array
                [0] => cf7_1773
        [success] => 
        [failure] => 
        [timeout] => 10
        [mapping] => Array
                [0] => Array
                        [lbl] => VO Nummer
                        [src] => vonummer
                        [3rd] => vonummer
                [1] => Array
                        [lbl] => Produkt
                        [src] => produkt
                        [3rd] => produkt
                [2] => Array
                        [lbl] => Bestand- oder Neukunde
                        [src] => kundejanein
                        [3rd] => kundejanein
                [3] => Array
                        [lbl] => Kundennr
                        [src] => kundennr
                        [3rd] => kundennr
                [4] => Array
                        [lbl] => Vorname Von
                        [src] => vorname_empfehler
                        [3rd] => vorname_empfehler
                [5] => Array
                        [lbl] => Nachname Von
                        [src] => nachname_empfehler
                        [3rd] => nachname_empfehler
                [6] => Array
                        [lbl] => Firma Von
                        [src] => firma_empfehler
                        [3rd] => firma_empfehler
                [7] => Array
                        [lbl] => Stra?e / Hausnummer Von
                        [src] => strassehsnr_empfehler
                        [3rd] => strassehsnr_empfehler
                [8] => Array
                        [lbl] => PLZ Von
                        [src] => plz_empfehler
                        [3rd] => plz_empfehler
                [9] => Array
                        [lbl] => Ort Von
                        [src] => ort_empfehler
                        [3rd] => ort_empfehler
                [10] => Array
                        [lbl] => E-Mail Von
                        [src] => Email
                        [3rd] => Email
                [11] => Array
                        [lbl] => Vorname An
                        [src] => vorname_empfohlen
                        [3rd] => vorname_empfohlen
                [12] => Array
                        [lbl] => Nachname An
                        [src] => nachname_empfohlen
                        [3rd] => nachname_empfohlen
                [13] => Array
                        [lbl] => Firma An
                        [src] => firma_empfohlen
                        [3rd] => firma_empfohlen
                [14] => Array
                        [lbl] => Stra?e / Hausnummer An
                        [src] => strassehsnr_empfohlen
                        [3rd] => strassehsnr_empfohlen
                [15] => Array
                        [lbl] => PLZ An
                        [src] => plz_empfohlen
                        [3rd] => plz_empfohlen
                [16] => Array
                        [lbl] => Ort An
                        [src] => ort_empfohlen
                        [3rd] => ort_empfohlen
                [17] => Array
                        [lbl] => E-Mail An
                        [src] => email_empfohlen
                        [3rd] => email_empfohlen
                [18] => Array
                        [lbl] => Telefonnummer An
                        [src] => telefon_empfohlen
                        [3rd] => telefon_empfohlen
                [19] => Array
                        [lbl] => Anschreiben Text
                        [src] => text_persoenlich
                        [3rd] => text
    *** Post (Form) ***
        [_wpcf7] => 1773
        [_wpcf7_version] => 4.6.1
        [_wpcf7_locale] => de_DE
        [_wpcf7_unit_tag] => wpcf7-f1773-p381-o1
        [_wpcf7cf_hidden_group_fields] => [\"_wpcf7\",\"_wpcf7_version\",\"_wpcf7_locale\",\"_wpcf7_unit_tag\",\"_wpnonce\",\"_wpcf7cf_hidden_group_fields\",\"_wpcf7cf_hidden_groups\",\"_wpcf7cf_visible_groups\",\"produkt\",\"vorname_empfehler\",\"nachname_empfehler\",\"firma_empfehler\",\"strassehsnr_empfehler\",\"plz_empfehler\",\"ort_empfehler\",\"text\",\"text\",\"formSourceName\",\"sp_exp\"]
        [_wpcf7cf_hidden_groups] => [\"kunde-nein\",\"formell\",\"eigenertext\"]
        [_wpcf7cf_visible_groups] => [\"kunde-ja\",\"persoenlich\"]
        [vonummer] => XTESTX
        [produkt] => kiosk
        [kundejanein] => Array
                [0] => Ja
        [kundennr] => 0123456
        [vorname_empfehler] => 
        [nachname_empfehler] => 
        [firma_empfehler] => 
        [strassehsnr_empfehler] => 
        [plz_empfehler] => 
        [ort_empfehler] => 
        [Email] => [email protected] 
        [vorname_empfohlen] => John
        [nachname_empfohlen] => Doe
        [firma_empfohlen] => John Doe Corp.
        [strassehsnr_empfohlen] => Test Avenue 12
        [plz_empfohlen] => 01234
        [ort_empfohlen] => Testcity
        [email_empfohlen] => [email protected] 
        [telefon_empfohlen] => 
        [text_form] => Array
                [0] => Pers?nlich
        [text] => 
        [formSourceName] => StandardForm
        [sp_exp] => yes
        [_wpcf7_is_ajax_call] => 1
    *** Post (to Service) ***
        [timeout] => 10
        [body] => Array
                [vonummer] => XTESTX
                [produkt] => kiosk
                [kundejanein] => Ja
                [kundennr] => 0123456
                [vorname_empfehler] => 
                [nachname_empfehler] => 
                [firma_empfehler] => 
                [strassehsnr_empfehler] => 
                [plz_empfehler] => 
                [ort_empfehler] => 
                [Email] => [email protected] 
                [vorname_empfohlen] => John
                [nachname_empfohlen] => Doe
                [firma_empfohlen] => John Doe Corp.
                [strassehsnr_empfohlen] => Test Avenue 12
                [plz_empfohlen] => 01234
                [ort_empfohlen] => Testcity
                [email_empfohlen] => [email protected] 
                [telefon_empfohlen] => 
    *** Response ***
    WP_HTTP_Requests_Response Object
        [response:protected] => Requests_Response Object
                [body] => <html dir="ltr"><head><title></title></head><body><p>Your request has been processed.</p></body></html>
                [raw] => HTTP/1.1 200 OK
    Date: Mon, 13 Feb 2017 12:12:33 GMT
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Viewing 2 replies - 1 through 2 (of 2 total)
  • rgallini


    I created a landing page in Silverpop and added the prerequisite fields to this plugin, it worked with no custom code.



    Are you using a landing page in SP? If so, looking at your url string I don’t see the form ID’s or hidden fields. Check the landing page source code and it will have all of the ingredients you need to do a POST.

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