• Hi,
    I’m using polyglot 2.0 beta and it seems to work fine when it comes to display the right post content for the selected language. I “gettexted” on a .po and then .mo file the stuff i use for my templates, but i only see it displayed for the language that’s set as default on wp-config.php. Polyglot is supossed to change the actual WPLANG when this is enabled:

    $polyglot_settings['lang_change_locale'] = true;

    but i’m echoing the WPLANG variable and even if i select a different language with polyglot, it’s still set to the default lang.

    this is the code that’s supossed to do the trick:

    If the Polyglot is supposed to change the global language settings then... let's do that!
    if ($polyglot_settings['lang_change_locale']){

    $polyglot_foo = ( isset($polyglot_settings['wplang'][$polyglot_settings['lang_pref']]) ) ? $polyglot_settings['wplang'][$polyglot_settings['lang_pref']] : $polyglot_settings['lang_pref'];

    if (!defined('WPLANG')){
    define('WPLANG', $polyglot_foo);

    if($locale != $polyglot_foo){
    $locale = $polyglot_foo;



    any ideas on how to get this succefully working?

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