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  • Hi there,
    Your plug in has been very helpful as half of my site visitors access my site from mobile devices.
    One issue though..
    I can’t get Google adsense ads to display
    I have tried both methods(using my Google adsense publisher ID & entering the Google adsense code) neither works.

    Your help would be greatly appreciated.

    Thank you

    Plugin Author WPSmart


    Hey teefah_rozay,

    Seems like right now the code you’ve put in doesn’t display properly because it’s for a square-sized Google Adsense display ad (300px by 250px), rather than a mobile optimized one (300px by 25px). If you could change your advertising option to Google Adsense and put in your publisher ID (which should be something like ca-pub-xxxxxxxxx) and let us know when you’ve changed that, then we can take a look and see what the issue may be.


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