Problems with Google Sheets
Good day!
Thanks for the nice plugin, but I can’t make it work.
Help please, where did I do wrong?
Rechecked all 10 times:
The names in the table with a small letter, without spaces and ___, coincide with the tags of the Contact Form 7, in the logs are clean, the name of the table and sheet is correct, checked everything many times. The demo from the example on your site also does not work.
I am in a panic, I do not know what to do.
Here is the link to the goole sheet: link
Here is the form code:<label> Фамилия Имя Отчество [text* your-name] </label> <label> Номер телефона [tel* telefon placeholder "8(999)123-45-67"] </label> Наличие удостоверения [checkbox* udostoverenie use_label_element exclusive "Удостоверение ЕСТЬ" "Удостоверения НЕТ"] Наличие инструментов [checkbox* instrument use_label_element "Шуруповерт" "Перфоратор" "Бензопила" "Гайковерт" "Керхер" "Нет инструмента"] Наличие паспорта [checkbox* pasport use_label_element exclusive "Россия" "СНГ" "Нет паспорта"] Наличие машины [checkbox* mashina use_label_element exclusive "Машина Есть" "Машины Нет"] <label> Ваш e-mail [email* your-email] </label> <label> Дополнительная информация [textarea your-message] </label> [acceptance soglasie] Согласие с политикой конфиденциальности [/acceptance] [submit "Отправить"]
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