• I’ve been trying to setup the Gigya socialize plugin. I’ve set up keys for Facebook, Myspace and Twitter and I see green for those, and OpenID. I paste the supplied code into the head and body. I see the login buttons, but Facebook wants to take me to the Facebook connect plugin directory, which gives a permissions error. Myspace and Twitter open popups which display what I assume is an error, but the window closes about half a second later, so there’s no time to read it.

    Any help would be appreciated. Thanks.

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  • Hi Jebus,

    Can you please send me the URL of your site and you partner ID (can be found under the ‘Account Settings’ tab in Gigya.com)

    -Gigya Team

    I’m having problems with this install as well. Here’s some questions:

    (1) I dont see a box to input the socialize partner ID. Was this removed from the plug-in? Is it needed?

    (2) When I click on any of the buttons to connect, I get a failure message.

    (3) Where exactly is the code to be pasted (i.e. head/body <- where is this?)?

    (4) When I try to customize the appearance of the socialize components, the buttons completely disappear. (?)

    URL: shreddingbetty.com/blog
    Partner ID: 777411

    Hi Agridulce,

    1) No, the partner ID is not needed anymore.
    2) We’re looking in to it. I’ll get back to you whenever I have the answer.
    3) Which code would you like to post? All you need in order to integrate Socialize is to install the plug in.
    4) If the buttons disappear then something must be wrong with your configuration.

    For both the widget and main login configuration, you must enter the conf and login_params variables generated from the component designer. (you can use this page: https://www.gigya.com/site/partners/wfsocapi.aspx#&&userstate=LoginPageAPI) The following is an example of what you might put in the settings text area.
    Note: Don’t copy the entire code in the configuration page. Your code should look exactly like the example shown below.

    var conf=
    var login_params=
    UIConfig:'<config><body><captions background-color=”#919148″></captions><texts color=”#C876FF”></texts><background background-color=”#FF6D6D” frame-color=”#A4FFFF”></background></body></config>’

    Miri Oliel

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