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  • @kamilapolyglotsdiary,
    Have you verified you have added the

     /* Multisite */
    define( 'WP_ALLOW_MULTISITE', true ); 

    correctly right above the line

    /* That's all, stop editing! Happy blogging. */

    in the wp-config.php file??

    Coz this is what is brings the ‘network setup’ menu item, which will then instruct you on how to move on to the next required step. If this is not correctly done, you can’t proceed.

    Read more here:

    I have 10+ websites that are multisite, and I have been doing it the ‘Create_A_Networt’ way.

    If you continue facing challenges, feel free to speak.

    Thread Starter kamilapolyglotsdiary


    I have put

     /* Multisite */
    define( 'WP_ALLOW_MULTISITE', true ); 

    in the wp-plugin.php file right above the line
    /* That's all, stop editing! Happy blogging. */
    in the wp-config.php file.

    Because this is what I have read in the manual that I attached.

    However, I still don’t see the network setup menu appearing when I sign in…

    …& you’re signing into your WordPress install an Admin? and not forgetting clearing your browser cache as well??

    That code is supposed to go into the wp-config.php file rather than wp-plugin.php.

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