• Resolved Andrew Leonard


    If you are experiencing problems with Chartist then you can try amending the file tablepress_chartist.php which you will find in the \wp-content\plugins\charts-for-tablepress-chartist\ folder
    replace line 149 with

            // return tablepress_get_table($table_query);
            if ( function_exists( 'tablepress_get_table' )) {
                return tablepress_get_table($table_query);
            return 'front-end only matey';

    and replace line 122 with

            // add_shortcode('table-chart', [__CLASS__, 'handle_table_chart_shortcode']);
            if ( defined( 'REST_REQUEST' ) && REST_REQUEST ) {
                // TablePress doesn't support the REST API
            } else {
                add_shortcode('table-chart', [__CLASS__, 'handle_table_chart_shortcode']);

    and you can let me know if it helps

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