Problems with certificates
The certificates are off-center and off-limits
You support me with a solution, thank you.
——————————————-Home Url:
Site Url:
Version: 4.9.8
Debug Mode: No
Locale: es_ES
Multisite: No
Page For Posts: Not Set
Page On Front: Inicio (#326)
Permalink Structure: /%postname%/
Show On Front: page
Wp Cron: YesSettings
——————————————-Version: 3.23.0
Db Version: 3.23.0
Course Catalog: Catálogo de cursos (#2006)
Course Catalog Per Page: 10
Course Catalog Sorting: menu_order,ASC
Membership Catalog: Catálogo de miembros (#2007)
Membership Catalog Per Page: 9
Membership Catalog Sorting: menu_order,ASC
Site Membership: Not Set
Student Dashboard: Mis cursos (#2009)
Courses Endpoint: my-courses
Edit Endpoint: edit-cuenta
Lost Password Endpoint: lost-password
Vouchers Endpoint: redeem-voucher
Autogenerate Username: yes
Password Strength Meter: yes
Minimum Password Strength: weak
Terms Required: yes
Terms Page: Condiciones de Servicio (#2130)
Checkout Names: required
Checkout Address: optional
Checkout Phone: optional
Checkout Email Confirmation: yes
Open Registration: yes
Registration Names: required
Registration Address: optional
Registration Phone: optional
Registration Voucher: optional
Registration Email Confirmation: yes
Account Names: required
Account Address: optional
Account Phone: optional
Account Email Confirmation: yes
Checkout Page: Compra (#2008)
Confirmation Endpoint: confirm-payment
Force Ssl Checkout: no
Country: MX
Currency: MXN
Currency Position: left
Thousand Separator: ,
Decimal Separator: .
Decimals: 2
Trim Zero Decimals: no
Recurring Payments: yes
Email From Address: [email protected]
Email From Name: PROYEST Ingeniería (Cursos)
Email Footer Text: Porque los aspectos técnicos si importan.
Email Header Image: 1796
Cert Bg Width: 800
Cert Bg Height: 616
Cert Legacy Compat: noGateways
——————————————-Manual: Enabled
Manual Logging: no
Manual Order: 1Server
——————————————-Mysql Version: 5.5.5
Php Curl: Yes
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Php Fsockopen: Yes
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Php Max Upload Size: 256 MB
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Php Post Max Size: 256M
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Php Suhosin: No
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Wp Memory Limit: 40MBrowser
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Version: 1.26
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Llms Support: NoPlugins
——————————————-AddToAny Share Buttons: 1.7.30
Akismet Anti-Spam: 4.0.8
bbPress: 2.5.14
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Democracy Poll: 5.5.6
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TinyMCE Advanced: 4.8.0
WP-CopyProtect [Protect your blog posts]: 3.1.0
WP-Optimize: 2.2.4
WP Better Emails: 0.3
WP Survey And Quiz Tool: 2.14Integrations
——————————————-BbPress: Yes
BuddyPress: NoTemplate Overrides
——————————————-The page I need help with: [log in to see the link]
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