• Resolved nfurfaro


    I’m just wondering if anyone else has experienced issues with the WP admin area since installing Events calendar and ticketing 2.2.17? Support is working with me on this, but here are some of the issues:

    As soon as I activate the plugin, I can no longer use visual composer, the wp admin menu drop downs don’t drop down, quick edit no longer works for page editing (haven’t tried posts…) and I can’t really edit my widgets as the widget areas wont open up.
    As soon as I deactivate the plugin, all the problems disappear.

    Is it just my site?


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  • Same issue. This release is not stable.

    As the team don’t seem willing to help users I have found my own dodgy fix…

    go to includes/events-admin and find the following code…

    jQuery( document ).ready( function( $ ) { 
          jQuery( ".chosen" ).chosen();
          // Tooltips
          jQuery(".tips, .help_tip").tipTip({
            'attribute' : 'data-tip',
            'fadeIn' : 50,
            'fadeOut' : 50,
            'delay' : 200

    Then delete it or put it into a new file and register and enqueue that file properly in the functions file.

    This will of course get rewritten every time you update the plugin so it’s not the most stable fix.

    Hope that helps


    Plugin Author IgniteWoo Team


    Send you support requests by contacting us directly – as we stated in the plugin’s FAQ. Unless you want to wait for us to get around to checking this support area – which we rarely do.

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