• William Bowles


    Nearly every time I update a plugin, the process is not concluded, leaving me locked out due to the Maintenance Mode still being active.

    Normally, when I update a plugin, WP informs me that the process has been successful. This rarely happens now. The update starts but doesn’t appear to be concluded (even if, on checking, it has).

    Also, now WP tells me after a failed update that my automated updating failed, except I don’t use Automated Updating, it doesn’r work on my server due to security measures, which is fine but why am I being notified that it failed?

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  • RossMitchell


    Does your website hosting technical support have any ideas, it could be another aspect of their security settings that also block the auto updates.

    Suggest that you turn on debugging in your wp-config.php file prior to doing a manual plugin update, you will hopefully get more informative error messages.
    In wp-config.php find the line:
    define('WP_DEBUG', false);
    comment it out and add:
    define('WP_DEBUG', true);
    Be sure to reverse this after you have finished.

    Thread Starter William Bowles


    As I said, I don’t use auto update, I only update manually. This problem only recently started, maybe a version or two ago, hence it’s got to be WordPress itself that’s the problem, not my host, not the server, not anything else. I don’t add new plugins, in fact I’ve been using the same plugins for literally years.

    And if you tell me WordPress doesn’t have these kinds of problems, I’ll scream!

    But I will turn on the debug

    Thread Starter William Bowles


    PS: My version of wp-config.php doesn’t contain the string: ‘define(‘WP_DEBUG’, false);’

    Sharvin Shah


    If you cannot update your plugins/themes or you receive FAILED update, the first thing you should try is to update them from your WordPress interface, to validate that it is an issue with ManageWP specifically, and not the site itself.

    The most common cause of this problem is that your website requires FTP information.

    You can correct upgrade issues by adding FTP information in your site’s wp-config.php file.

    Note: Do not add this to the end of the file, but just below the database information on the top of the file.

    define(‘FTP_USER’, ‘username’);

    define(‘FTP_PASS’, ‘password’);

    define(‘FTP_HOST’, ‘ftp.example.org’);

    Thread Starter William Bowles


    Hi Sharvin,
    I access the back end using Cyberduck (or Filezilla). I always update from the WP update page. On looking through the site, I don’t see any ref to automated updating, like turning it on or off. I always assumed you had to actually turn it on for it to work. In any case, I’m not happy with automated updating, it’s just another potential security breach, which is why my hosting co, don’t let me use it.

    Yes, Maintenance Mode turns itself off after a few minutes unless the Update fails. This has happened a couple of times a long time ago and I deleted the temp file.



    No debug false line, curious.
    Then just add the line turning on debugging below the database settings.

    Sharvin Shah


    Okay After deleting the temp Did it work??

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