• adabob


    A soon as you activate this mess it blocks and stops everything (poor design) it should do nothing until YOU activate it and figure out what to stop or control. instead this plugin has many settings forced with many RED warnings demanding you make changes.

    The complications start right away and the documentation is useless and confuses even more. Hello, DON’T force your system upon someones WP install when you have no idea who it will be used.

    It was NOT obvious and registration was blocked from the moment you activate (very bad).
    Then even after selecting “DO NOT BLOCK” things remained blocked.


    • This topic was modified 3 years ago by adabob.
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  • airdrummer


    sorry but login & access are complicated things, and any plugin of this nature requires extensive setup that is beyond the obviously limited skillset of the typical script kiddie/clickNdrool such as yourself;-\

    please do us all a favor & just hire a competent wordpress wrangler;-)

    Thread Starter adabob


    Nice response and also answers my other questions of who might be behind this plugin. I don’t assume but it appears you do.

    Users please do yourself a favor and hire a competent wordpress wrangler as per the incompetent makers of this plugin who blame you if their product is non-intuitive nor ready for general use.

    Remember as soon as you install it, your site may be inoperative but that’s how it’s designed.

    Plugin Author Chad Butler


    Sorry to hear you had trouble.

    The red warnings you mentioned are not intended to “force” you to make changes – they are intended to alert you to recommended settings (which are noted in the plugin’s documentation). Incidentally, these only display on the plugin’s own settings pages instead of taking over your WP admin as so many other plugins do.

    Clearly, you’ve moved on, but a couple of things to note:

    Then even after selecting “DO NOT BLOCK” things remained blocked.

    In a basic setup, that wouldn’t be possible. However, many people tend to install cache applications even when testing out plugins. A cache certainly could give the appearance that things remain blocked after deactivation. I generally recommend disabling cache plugins when doing plugin testing and not activating a cache until a site is complete and live.

    Users please do yourself a favor and hire a competent wordpress wrangler as per the incompetent makers of this plugin who blame you if their product is non-intuitive nor ready for general use.

    The user above is not associated with me. He’s a www.remarpro.com user, just like you. Plugin developers are noted as such in the www.remarpro.com forum.

    Plugin Author Chad Butler


    Something that may have been overlooked, but may be helpful to someone reading this later…

    this plugin has many settings forced with many RED warnings demanding you make changes.

    As previously noted, these are not things that are “forced” but rather notification of specific recommended settings. It’s not required that you set things up that way (as noted in the plugin’s documentation).

    And, should you choose to not set things up as recommended (i.e. you have a specific reason to not use the recommended setting/change), all you need to do is enable the “Ignore WP-Members warning messages in the admin panel” checkbox in the plugin’s settings and it will no longer display any of these notifications (which, by the way, is one of the notification messages mentioned).

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