• Resolved Crssp


    Hi I’ve been trying since yesterday to Batch Upload a zip with .xls, xlsx and .pdf files, some 300 files.
    Today I uploaded just the pdf’s and had some success.
    I was able to create Mdocs posts, but the PDF’s appear to all be nothing but exactly this html code, and no document.

    I got some errors when the files were uploading, something about not being able to rename.

    They all just have something like this:

    <br />
    <b>Notice</b>:  Undefined index: mdocs-nonce in <b>\\full-path-was-here\wp-content\plugins\memphis-documents-library\mdocs-functions.php</b> on line <b>226</b><br />
    Check this file out <b>2014-DII-Girls-Golf-District-Results-FINAL-SCORES-UPDATED-Sheet-3.pdf</b>.  Download it from <b>Sports Buzz Ohio</b>.<br><sup>powered by Memphis Documents Library</sup>


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  • Thread Starter Crssp


    Hey more info, I still had the error messages on my batch uploads…
    So here’s what they said:
    Warning: rename(/tmp/mdocs/my.pdf,\\my-path/wp-content/uploads/mdocs/my.pdf): Access is denied. (code: 5) in \\my-path\wp-content\plugins\memphis-documents-library\mdocs-functions.php on line 142

    Line 142 of mdocs-functions is:
    if($result == false) rename($file[‘tmp_name’], $upload[‘file’]);

    In case it denotes a problem when I uploaded the files.
    We have show errors turned on for the site.


    Plugin Author bhaldie


    you don’t have write access to your tmp folder or the tmp folder doesn’t exist.

    Make sure that this folder is available for the web user.

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