• dodraugen2k


    Hi. I just got wordpress installed and I’ve been doing some adjustments. I’ve added a category, set the new one as default, and now I’m trying to delete the standard category “uncategorized”. However, when I try to delete it it just says “Processing Data…” and nothing else. I’ve waited for quite some time, tried several times and in different browsers (first Opera then IE). I don’t have problems deleting categories I’ve made myself.

    The only reason I can see for some delay when deleting this category is that I’ve made a post that should be automaticly moved to the new default category. But somethings just wrong when I’ve waited for 10 minutes and nothing happens.

    Anyone know whats wrong?

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  • Sushubh


    happens with me too. just cant delete the uncategorised category on one of my blog. tried IE, Opera and Firefox… ??

    I had the same problem, the standard category could not be removed. The reason? there can be many, probably related to the relationship between tables in the database.
    I’ve not deleted the category using the platform, I’ve done it directly from the DB admin panel (i use phpmyadmin).
    I deleted the category from “wp_categories” in the db and then all the articles belonging to that category from the table “wp_post2cat”.
    This can be probably not ortodox but solves the problem. Can I assume that the platform has a bug then?


    Couldn’t you just rename “uncategorized” to something more useful? (I just call mine “All”).

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