Howdy Thea,
That is a good question. First a little background info to help inform my answer. The truth is that all themes have to work with virtual pages. Archive, search, category, tag, etc. These are all “virtual pages” in the exact same way that Events are virtual pages. The only difference is that Events is not a default virtual page, it is not included in a stock install of WordPress. Because of this when a theme developer chooses to make universal modifications to “virtual pages” it affects everything that implements those APIs, including plugins like ours. However, if the theme does not have a fallback for pages like ours that are not included in the default problems arise. You have encountered one such problem.
We are currently working on documenting some themes that have 100% compatibility with TEC. The truth is that most themes are. We work hard to make our plugin broadly compatible. At times we even reach out to specific theme devs and find out if there is anything more we can do to make the plugin compatible. But, even still it is understandable that folks like you want a place to look for themes that are said to be compatible. Here are a couple of lists:
For each of those themes the theme developer has said the theme is compatible. If on the off chance you do find any incompatibility issues you can report them to the theme developer.
I hope that helps. Cheers!
– Brook