• Hi! ??

    (First, let me explain that we’re thinking in upgrading to WordPress 3.0, but first things first, one step at a time ??

    We upgraded our installation of WordPress MU from 2.8.4a to 2.9.2. We carefully generated a diff and took a look at the changes, then replaced the files from 2.9.2 package to 2.8.4, instead of using the internal utility. After replacing files, we used the “Upgrade Site” in the “Administration Menu” to upgrade the DB tables too. Everything seemed to worked fine, since there is wp_ID_commentmeta new tables, the Db Version o wp_ID_options are updated, and all pages are reporting version 2.9.2.

    But when we create a blog, there’s something strange. Some settings on wp_ID_options are not appearing per default as before. Things like GMT Offset setting, Plugins default settings (sociable, sitemaps, wp-email, wp-print, etc) and so on. This creates some mess while administrating the blog and the themes/plugins seems to not work very well.

    All blogs created prior to the update are fully functional and without any problems. Only new blogs are getting this strange behavior.

    We checked MySQL query log and there’s not even tries to INSERT these data on the wp_ID_options. We’ve also upgraded the plugins to the latest version (compatible with 2.9.x). I’m beginning to run out of ideas ??

    Anyone can give some advice and ideas? ??
    Thanks in advance.

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  • It’s more on the plugin’s end. If it wasn’t designed to be network activated, that’s why it’s failing.

    unfortunately, there really isn’t much documentation in this other than looking at other people’s plugins to see how they did it.

    Or, come see us at WordCamp Montreal at the end of august. Ron will be speaking about this very thing. ??

    Thread Starter eitch


    The most strange thing is that the same plugin works in 2.8.4a ?? Anyway, I’ll take a look at them.

    I wish I could go to WordCamps, but I live so far away (Brazil)… ?? Big fan of WordPress here.

    Thread Starter eitch


    Just checked about the gmt_offset. I located the function that inserts the default options for a blog, it’s called “wp-admin/includes/schema.php”, in the function “populate_options”. As you said, the gmt offset is calculated from the system by the PHP date function:

    'gmt_offset' => date('Z') / 3600

    A simple test in my shell shows:

    $ php -r "echo date('Z')/3600 .\"\n\";"
    -3 (right)

    A test inside a PHP on the webserver also shows the same results.

    But inside the WordPress script, it’s getting its value to 0. Timezone settings from PHP are Ok. Going to investigate more. I’m getting closer… ??

    Thread Starter eitch


    Found it!

    In the upgrade to version 2.9.2, these lines are added in the file wp-settings.php, used in all scripts:

    +if ( function_exists('date_default_timezone_set') )
    +       date_default_timezone_set('UTC');

    Really, what’s the point? ?? It sets the timezone to UTC for every WordPress script, even if the actual timezone in PHP isn’t UTC! Is this considered a bug? ??

    Now into the plugins loads… ??

    If it was a bug in 2.9.2, it’s probably been fixed in 3.0.

    Thread Starter eitch


    Checked on WP 3.0 and it’s still there. I’ll open a ticket on Trac and see if developers really see this as a bug (I think so!).

    Thread Starter eitch


    Looks like someone already complained about this before and resulted in the wp-settings.php line that I described earlier:


    Thread Starter eitch


    About the plugins problem:

    Plugins are working just fine in the new version. I tested on 2.8.4a, 2.9.2 and 3.0.

    On *all* versions, when I activate the plugin site-wide, it only creates its necessary tables and wp_ID_options’ options in the current blog I’m at. When I hit “Site-Wide”. If I want to enable its database options, I need to deactivate and activate the plugin on every blog individually. This is, IMHO, wrong.

    On 2.8.4a version, when I create a new blog, it executes initialization for all the “Site-Wide” plugins, creating its necessary tables and wp_ID_options. Nice.

    On 2.9.2 and 3.0, when I create a new blog, it does not execute the plugin initialization, thus it does not create any options and necessary tables. I have to deactivate the site-wide plugin and activate individually on each blog for this.

    Now I’m trying to track these actions in the code… ??

    Was the plugin you’re testing designed to be activated sitewide?

    Thread Starter eitch


    This is what I’m trying to find out, maybe not. But my main concern is that it’s working for new blogs, I think this feature can be handled by WPMU/Multi-Site executing the plugin initialization scripts for each blog in the site.

    This way normal plugins that needs these additional options would work with this activate sitewide. Like, when I hit the activate sitewide, it’s the same as going through each blog (changing $wpdb) and activating it.

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