• Hi folks. I hope you can help me.

    I just transferred my domain and wordpress files to a new server.

    I’m having numerous problems. My site is https://www.philipthomasblog.com
    1. My website now states I have no index page. Earlier it was just a blank page.
    2. Many of my images have become unlinked.
    3. I can access my admin and log in but I’ve noticed, even though the posts are there, the images are not.
    4. When clicking on individual posts in my admin area, I can view text, but images are broken: For example: https://www.philipthomasblog.com/2011/11/21/wedding-nicole-josh/

    Can anyone help me to resolve, please.

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  • Thread Starter philiphotog


    I’ve tried twice already uploading all the files. Weird this.

    Sounds like your server is not picking up the handler for php. Typically, you have to tell Apache how to handle extensions. What has your hosting provider said? I’d put up a basic index.php page and see if that displays correctly. If it doesnt than its a server issue. If it does, you know its wordpress related.

    You can try to create a PHP info page with the code below.

    <title> PHP Test Script </title>
    phpinfo( );

    Save it as info.php and try to visit it in the browser. If it works PHP is working correctly.

    Thread Starter philiphotog


    What program should I use to add this code? I’m on a mac. TextEdit?

    If wordpress admin works, then PHP should be fine. So renaming the htaccess file did not solve the issue? It sounds odd. When I go to /index.php it re-directs to the /index.html page which incidently does not exist. Is there a re-direct set up in your cPanel?

    Thread Starter philiphotog


    Ok, I will not do anything there then. Yes, I have renamed the htaccess file. I’ll have to check on the redirect possibility.

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