• Resolved marie999



    Je voudrais changer mes permaliens en local.
    Par exemple, pour ma boutique j’ai ceci : https://my site URL/80486-apparel-home/boutique/. Comment puis-je définir les paramètres pour supprimer ? 80486-apparel-home ? ?

    Pour les catégories, voici ce que j’ai : https://my site URL/categorie-produit/nom-categorie-produit/

    Pour les produits : https://URL de mon site/boutique/nom-categorie-produit/nom-produit/nom-produit.

    Pour la structure personnalisée, j’ai ajouté ceci :

    Ce que j’ai souligné en gras appara?t tel quel en front-office, ce qui est assez embêtant.

    Merci beaucoup pour votre aide.
    Je suis perdue et je cherche depuis longtemps les bons réglages.
    Bonne journée

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  • Moderator bcworkz


    Select only the post name as your permalink structure to eliminate category references in product and post URLs. You need to have the product category reference in category URLs, otherwise WP cannot tell the difference between a category term request and a post or product request. Similarly, the product post type reference is required so WP can distinguish between post requests and product requests.

    If you are not using blog posts at all, you could remove the product post type reference so any requests not otherwise distinguished are assumed to be products instead of posts. To do this, you need to add custom rewrite rules that are processed before the default so any match to the defined permastruct will take precedence.

    Thread Starter marie999


    Hi and thank you for your answer.

    The issue is half-solved but I style have “product” and “product-category” appearing like that in preview.
    How can I delete this ?
    I read several times that it is better to keep them because if you delete them the live site could be slowed. Is it true ?
    And what about the parent theme slug : “/80486-apparel-home/” ?
    Do I have to delete it ? Same thing, I read that it’s better to keep it.
    What do you think ? And if I’ve got to delete it, how can I do ?
    Thanks for answer.`

    Moderator bcworkz


    Taxonomy and post type terms are required in permalinks so WP knows how to create the correct query. On certain sites which have no conflicting taxonomies or post types in use, it’s possible to remove them, but there can be no duplicate slugs between product-category and product. If WP cannot find a matching slug in the assumed default (product for example), then it could try querying the other (product-category) for a match. So in many requests, WP would need to make two queries, slowing down the site.

    So yes it would slow down your site, additionally doing so is only possible in certain circumstances and would require re-working how WP works in a fundamental way.

    You don’t have to use “product-category” in the permalinks though, it can be any unique string. “cat” if you wish, as in example.com/cat/clothing/. Similar for product. And as I mentioned earlier, if you do not use blog posts (the usual default post type), you could make “product” the default post type and eliminate “product” from permalinks entirely.

    I’m not clear why your parent theme slug appears in permalinks at all. It is certainly used to reference theme resources like CSS files, but not in permalinks where an actual file does not exist. It’s not an actual server folder where your root WP installation resides, is it? Does it appear in your site and home URL settings?

    You’re using WooCommerce plugin, correct? Its normal URL to the main store page in English would be example.com/shop/, no theme slug. “shop” is the English default, it can be anything you like. “boutique” of course is fine. The theme slug being part of it is just plain strange. Without knowing why it’s there, it’s hard to suggest how to remove it. I suggest asking in the theme’s dedicated support channel, but in this case they may not be very motivated to help.

    BTW, if you were to make “product” the default post type, WP will assume a “boutique” request to be another single product and would likely go 404, not found. You’d need a special rewrite rule just for “boutique”, telling WP this is really a page and not a product. I hope you can now better understand why you cannot have just any permalink structure you want. WP needs enough information to create the proper query without having to make extra queries trying to guess at the user’s intent.

    Thread Starter marie999



    Thank you for answer.

    In fact the slug /80486-apparel-home/ appears just in the main shop page but not in the settings : it comes from my parent theme. I really would like to get rid of this. Can you help me to solve this ?
    Thank you.

    Moderator bcworkz


    Does it appear in your permalink settings screen? If so, changing permalinks to simply /%postname%/ will eliminate it.

    Thread Starter marie999



    I’ve succeeded to get rid of “80486-apparel-home” by changing it by “home” in slug homepage.
    But I still have this on my shop page and in my products pages :



    How can I delete elements in bold to have the right structure with category and product?
    Thank you

    • This reply was modified 3 years, 4 months ago by bcworkz.
    Moderator bcworkz


    It appears that the shop page is a child of your home page. Is that correct? It’s not necessary. On the shop page’s edit screen, remove the parent page entry under page attributes. (or whatever the French equivalent labels are)

    As for your second link, I don’t know how you’d get such a permalink to start with, so I’m not sure how to undo it. A normal product category URL looks like
    and a product URL looks like
    “product-category” and “product” never change, they are always the same. “product-category-name” and “product-name” are the slugs of whatever name you’ve assigned when creating a product category or product.

    You might try asking how to alter product permalinks in the dedicated WooCommerce forum. They’d have a better idea how their plugin’s permalinks work.

    Thread Starter marie999


    Thank you for your answer, I ‘ll get to Woocommerce support and delete the parent slug in the shop page.
    Could you please delete my former message ? I forgot to hide my localsite name and I do not want it to appear public.

    Thank you very much.

    Moderator bcworkz


    We generally do not delete or alter posts once made public unless its for legitimate security concerns or significant violations of forum guidelines. Allowing removal quickly becomes burdensome for volunteer moderators. Exposing one’s domain name doesn’t qualify as a security concern. Since this is obviously an oversight and you asked nicely, I’ll make an exception this one time. Please be more careful in the future with what you post to a public forum.

    FWIW, there is a plan in the works to let members somehow edit or obfuscate their domain names, but we need to have a way to prevent spammers from abusing such a privilege.

    Thread Starter marie999



    Thank you for the exception you made regarding deleting my post, that’s very kind of you. I’ll try to be more careful next time. ??

    Have a nice evening.

    Thread Starter marie999


    Thank you for your answers.
    I’m closing this topic now.

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