• I was optimistic when it quickly reported that it had found 59 broken links that the previous link checker hadn’t. From then on however it’s been downhill.

    The plug-in seemingly specialises in generating false reports (or at least reporting links that appear to be working). Breaking the <center> tag in images and tables and aligning your website left. Breaking the open in separate tab HTML attribute. And inserting %0D%0A into a link (hence breaking it)

    It’s probably going to cost me a few days labour now to repair the damage this plug-in has caused, and consequently its been deactivated. You just can’t trust it. I’m fearful also about how much other sabotage it’s performed. Not really sure it should be out there based on my experience. It doesn’t look fit for purpose. It’s broken every single link in posts and pages that was set up to open a separate tab

    It’s a shame, as I had high hopes for it, but its done a lot of damage to the layout

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