I want to add the following to the above:
– If you setup an all new dashboard note, the title persists in the first run :-), but as soon as you change something on an existing dashboard note, the title gets deleted.
– Below the dashboard note’s title there is a horizontal separating line like it is in standard dashboard boxes. This hasn’t been the case in WordPress <5.5 and for my eyes it doesn’t look as good as without the line. Without the line dashboard notes by this plugin differ a bit from standard dashboard boxes, which I personally like more.
– A new setup dashobard note has a little bit too much padding on the top compared to existing ones. After reloading the dashboard the note’s format becomes normal.
And to be complete here another bug which could be fixed, but which has already been there with earlier WordPress versions:
If you set up more than one dashboard note at once before reloading the dashboard, the order of the newly set up dashboard notes gets reversed. Try it by setting up two or three new dashboard notes one after the other and after this reload the dashboard or go to another backend page and return to the dashboard.
Because of this after setting up a few new dashboard notes at once, you first have to reload the dashboard and sort them like you want to have them which is not really nice.
But to be clear: @sormano, it would be enough – or lets say by far most important – if you only would fix the title deleting bug in WP 5.5.
Thanks again very much,