• Hi! I just upgraded my <a href="https://mis3quarks.net">blog</a> to WP 2.1. I like to write my posts using ecto, but there has been a problem: ecto can’t retrieve the posts from my blog. It works fine with another blog using WP 2.0.

    At the ecto support forums I found <a href="https://bb.infinite-sushi.com/viewtopic.php?t=2116&highlight=wordpress">this thread</a> about the same problem with ecto and wordpress.com accounts.

    ecto developer suggests to fix the XMLRPC according to specs at https://www.movabletype.org/mt-static/docs/mtmanual_programmatic.html

    Does someone has an answer for this or should I send this as a bug to the WP team?

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  • I had a problem with Ecto and WP 2.1 also but it went away when I changed the API from MovableType to MetaWeblog in Ecto’s account manager.

    That’s not the solution. The solution is actually get wordpress to implement the spec. That’s why they exist!… Funny thing is that it was working in 2.0.x, but not now in 2.1

    Thread Starter greatgoron


    What’s the difference between MovableType’s and Metablog’s API?

    What can happen if I change the API?

    I really need to get this fixed.

    Right here, gang.

    Thread Starter greatgoron


    Thanks! Hope they can fix it soon.

    Thread Starter greatgoron


    Hey, I found a solution here:

    Find the line 980 in the xmlrpc.php file and change:

    'categoryId' => $catid,


    'categoryId' => (string) $catid,

    It worked for me so far.

    greatgoron, Thanks for the fix. It works fine now.

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