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  • Plugin Author nosilver4u


    Just to let you know, I did see this, and I think it is a known issue, but I haven’t had a chance to dig into it more. I think it’s because Imsanity doesn’t have the correct image path when an import is happening.

    Thread Starter nicmare


    alrighty. not very important as i ran the batch action in media library afterwarts… thanks for feedback.

    Plugin Author nosilver4u


    Realized that was the same error someone else had reported, but I still can’t replicate it. I think it might be a memory limit error. When you run the batch action, or run it one at a time during normal image uploads, it only needs enough memory for 1 images. But when the importer is running, PHP may not release the memory for previous images fast enough, causing it to exhaust the available memory.
    If you ever have a chance to try it again, see if increasing the PHP memory_limit makes a difference.

    Thread Starter nicmare


    i have 128M. should be enough

    Plugin Author nosilver4u


    Maybe, depends on how many images you imported, and how fast PHP releases the memory used for importing + resizing.

    Been doing more research on this, and the only thing I can find is that a read error will occur when the file is not an image (it already checks for that), does not have read permissions (that should be set already by the WordPress importer), or it is a zero-byte file. I’m adding in checks to double-check all those things, but my hunch is aimed at the zero-byte problem, which is normally caused by running out of disk space, or running out of memory.

    If you still have a copy of your import file, perhaps that might help me replicate it. You can send it via if you like.

    Thread Starter nicmare


    i can tell you that the files are very regular files. nothing special. but i always develop in debug mode. i expect you are using debugging output too? otherwise you will not see any notices.

    Plugin Author nosilver4u


    I did forget to turn that on for that particular site (I was using a fresh installation for the import).
    However, when I enabled debugging, I got loads of notices from the importer plugin, but nothing from imsanity… strange.

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