• Resolved gingerstu


    Hey there,

    I have the following syntax thats causing “there appears to be a problem with the formula”.

    Each part of the calculation check out individually. The MAX works on it’s own, but as soon as you introduce the * {field:value} it dies.

    Any idea what im doing wrong?

    (MAX(0,{What year will this child leave Private Education:5:value}-{What School Year are they in?:2:value}+1))*{How much are the annual fees?:6}


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  • Plugin Author George Mandis


    Hi @gingerstu,

    Hmm. You might not be doing anything wrong. It seem that the validation function might be failing correctly… I have a few followups;

    – What version of Gravity Forms and what version of GF MIN/MAX?
    – Does the formula function correctly on the site and/or in the form preview?
    – Have you tried removing the question mark from field #2 (“What School Year are…”)? I don’t think that’s the issue, but it’s the one thing that jumped out at me that might be making the parser choke. Alternately, can you multiply it by a different field that does not have a question mark in the label?

    The formula validator was broken and unfixable for a while, and I think the last update I pushed addressed this. I haven’t had many opportunities to test it or hear feedback from people on it though, so it’s possible we found a bug.


    Plugin Author George Mandis


    Hi @gingerstu,

    I’m going to close this issue for now. If you still need help here feel free to reopen it.


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