Hey all, I have found a work around for now. The developer is pretty useless on the correspondence and seriously can’t wait until he changes the update or patches the problems.
What I would recommend to all is to not purchase the developer package as the support is non existent. You just get a few more options for the SU presets.
What the update has done is totally overwritten the CSS code that was setup with the original install of SU Ultimate. For instance on a Lightbox Gallery that was created, the thumbnails went from 165 x 165px to about 185 x 1235px. I don’t know why?? But it was fixed.
I found the element (using Firebug) on the front end and then went into the CSS of SU and physically changed the CSS to suit. This will not work for everything as some are built using scripts instead of CSS, but for minor cosmetic elements such as thumbnails and galleries and things like that, it worked really well. It changes the elements universally so beware that all of the SU will change on your whole site.
Hope it can help some of you out there.