Hello @osamaelmahdy,
I’m sorry about your experience. The SEO and Readability analyses are hidden when the features are disabled. Let’s start by ensuring that the features are enabled site-wide and for your individual user.
- Site-wide: Please go to Admin > Yoast SEO > Settings > General > Site features and ensure that the SEO analysis (image) and Readability analysis (image) are enabled.
- Individual user: Please go to Admin > Users > Profile > Yoast SEO settings (you may need to scroll down) and ensure that the Disable readability analysis (image) and Disable SEO analysis (image) checkboxes are unchecked.
Now that we know both features are enabled, please open the edit screen for a content item missing the analyses. If the traffic lights appear, please click update (no changes are necessary) and return to the content overview. If the scores are missing from the overview page, please click ‘Screen Options‘ (image) in the upper corner and check SEO score and Readability score columns.